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Sierra stalks wiring to zx12r!!!
Doyleee - 8/5/11 at 05:47 PM

Hi could somebody please help me,
I've searched though the forums about this topic but still getting confused,

I have a kawasaki zx12r wiring that i need to convert the stalk switches to my loom (dont need wipers) the stalks and steering i believe are off a J plate sierra think remember seeing 87 stamped on indicator switch?)( its adjustable).

I know that these switches seem to switch the earth(12v-) and the bike ones switch the positive (12v+) ive tried cutting the earth to relay and switch that but the main beam light on the bike clocks stay on also these work regardless if no ignition or side lights.
Is there an easy way to change the stalks to early type if they switch the positive.
I have got my side lights working and indicators also hazzards (but hazzards only work with the ignition switched on.
Its driving me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to moan and im sure that this has been answered before but cant see straight answer!

P.s i have printed out the bike wiring diagram to refer to.

Any help greatly appreciated.

snapper - 8/5/11 at 06:40 PM

Are you trying to use the bike loom for all the lights and engine?
If so it's probably more simple to use a Vicky green or premier loom for the lights etc and just use the engine loom from the bike.

Doyleee - 8/5/11 at 09:14 PM

Yes trying to us bike loom for all
It all worked fine before as it had a bar underneath the steering wheel with bike controls on it
But thought it looked pants so wanted thew sierra stalks wanted to try to mate them first before trying another loom but will look into it thanks.
If anyone else has done converversion before PLEASE let me know

Doyleee - 9/5/11 at 10:28 PM

Sorry by accident posted this topic twice!!