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Doyleee - 19/5/13 at 08:14 PM

What a day! it started out alright went and picked up used set of 15" pro race 1.2 then went on to a boot sale to pick Mrs and kids up, then went to mother-in laws to collect car as its booked in for rolling road tuesday at 6pm, tried to sort out air lock problem was'nt getting far then let it cool down to try again had left the ignition on and noticed the main starter fuse was smoking and starting to melt plastic case pulled fuse out which was half melted and turned it off checked car for obvious earth faults but could'nt see and put fuse in again some life then nothing now its completely dead apart from the horn
Any ideas as now have to try to sort it tomorrow after work in hope for getting it to tuners tuesday

snapper - 19/5/13 at 08:34 PM

Cancel tuners tomorrow
Then you won't panic trying to fix it with no time
If the fuse box was melting you have a serious short

omega0684 - 19/5/13 at 08:36 PM

i would trace all the wire back from the fuse to the battery to make sure it hasn't melted any of that, get an avo turn the ignition on and then start tracing where you have 12v

britishtrident - 19/5/13 at 08:38 PM

First thing is battery completely disconnected and on a long slow charge.

Doyleee - 19/5/13 at 09:07 PM

Ive pre-warned tuners via text and yes its seems that have a short somewhere luckily the mate coming with me is a bit more knowledgeable than me on bike engines battery is on smart charge going to start tracing voltage tomorrow i'm just worried the ecu dead???

Doyleee - 20/5/13 at 09:48 PM

Think we sorted the probleml it would appear that where i have housed the rectifier which is near to the battery and the terminals go through the bottom of via a hole i drilled big enough for the plug connections to go through and when i tried to sort out airlock it looks like water has got into connections and arc'd across causing a short which in turn melted the main fuse and has damaged the connection between the main starter cable connection (where allen key bolt) to and the fuse housing we fired it up without rectifier first ran well, cleaned connections re-fitted rectifier and bingo all good!!!
Unfortunately had to cancel rolling road re-map but may use time to get injectors cleaned (so may be blessing in disguise??)

Thanks for comments/help guys