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R1 can options
sdh2903 - 9/2/13 at 07:26 PM

Hi all

I currently have a R1 4xv carbon can but it's a bit tatty and it also has my cat welded inline. To kill 2 birds with 1 stone I'm looking for another exhaust so I can keep the current one for MOT time. I like the current carbon can but they are few and far between in good condition and reasonably priced. I would love to get one of the Motad carbon boxes like Paul Fisher has but budget is limited at the minute so second hand it is.

Can anyone give an idea of the aftermarket ones with regards to noise? I've seen Akropovic, scorpion, micron, termignioni (sp). All within range but I don't want something that will make my ears bleed! Any suggestions?


Lurch88 - 10/2/13 at 07:02 PM

I have another R1 Carbon can taking up space in the garage
that I would be more then happy to part with.
Its only in average condition ,but has a 90 deg bend welded on the end
Over the last couple of days I have tried to put a couple of photos in my archive
so that I could show you its condition
But sadly I have failed miserably !!
Is there a problem with uploading photos?
Its something I used to be able to achieve,but not now apparently

sdh2903 - 10/2/13 at 07:17 PM

Hi mate I've u2u'd you