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6m x 5m Log Garage For Sale
JacksAvon - 8/3/17 at 05:23 PM


£550 Buyer collects and it must be gone by PM 19th March

6 meter x 5 meter log garage for sale produced by the company below.

I had this installed last summer.
Unfortunately Storm Doris took the roof off.

What remains is in good condition and just needs a roof.
It comes with a set of reinforced double doors.

If any more information is needed PM me

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[Edited on 8/3/17 by JacksAvon]

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HowardB - 8/3/17 at 06:10 PM

any pics?

JacksAvon - 8/3/17 at 06:27 PM

PM me your email and I will send some

JacksAvon - 8/3/17 at 08:46 PM

All queries replied to, it may be sold subject to a small bag of gold placed in my hand. Will update tomrrow.

bi22le - 8/3/17 at 09:14 PM

Oh wow. That is a bargain.

nick205 - 9/3/17 at 09:10 AM

Nifty looking garage/work space

Having just had a new T&G garden shed myself I can say that adding a new roof shouldn't be difficult for the new owner to do. Worth making sure it goes on a decent concrete base though - makes a difference to how well the building goes up and is used.

JacksAvon - 9/3/17 at 06:58 PM

Garage now sold.

Thanks for looking