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WTD YB Coswoth Engine Workshop Manual
DixieTheKid - 27/8/11 at 09:44 AM

As above really, does anyone have one on DPF or anything that they could send me?

perksy - 27/8/11 at 09:51 AM

There used to be one online somewhere

I'll have quick look in me favourites and see if i can find it....

perksy - 27/8/11 at 09:56 AM

Not sure if its what your after but
Down towards the bottom. Any good ?

[Edited on 27/8/11 by perksy]

DixieTheKid - 27/8/11 at 10:09 AM

Cheers Perksy, but the PDF link doesnt work

DixieTheKid - 27/8/11 at 10:10 AM

LIES!!!!! Mu computer must of been having a funny 5mins

skibikejohn - 27/8/11 at 02:15 PM

I have a copy I could email to you, although it is 29MB.