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Bike Carbs
Jaybeee - 8/8/13 at 03:12 PM

Dear all

I know someone on here deals with bike carbs, manifold flanges etc but I can not find any of their adverts can someone point me in the right direction please? I want to see what options there are if any for using bike carbs on 1.6l pinto.

Many thanks

mikeb - 8/8/13 at 03:26 PM

thinks its dan your looking for, from recollection its fast dan or danst engineering on ebay

mikeb - 8/8/13 at 03:26 PM

whitestu - 8/8/13 at 03:38 PM

I think this is your man:


I was a bit slow on the draw there!

[Edited on 8/8/13 by whitestu]

scrappy_7 - 8/8/13 at 06:41 PM

Hi there
I've put Honda cb 750 carbs on my 1.6 pinto. Runs like a dream bored jets out to 1.4mm faucet 1.5 psi electric pump. Running with original dizzy with a 22mm copper pipe collector chamber for the vac advance
If you need some more info just ask.