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DVD to IPad
JimM - 1/7/12 at 03:41 PM

Going on holiday soon and want to add some DVDs to my IPad.
Anyone suggest software to use and provide easy instructions.
Not easy to add data to the IPad

cerbera - 1/7/12 at 03:57 PM

I use CinexPlayer

jossey - 1/7/12 at 04:24 PM

I use avplayerhd due to being able to open streams into the app.

You can copy the files into I tunes into the app page. And download files direct to the app.

Shame they don't do a torrent version.....

digiman - 1/7/12 at 05:20 PM

winFF is free and works well recoding video, has easy to use presets for ipod etc.

JC - 1/7/12 at 08:00 PM

I use handbrake on my MacBook then transfer to iPad through iTunes. Works a treat and is free!