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This made me giggle
Dunbikin - 7/3/13 at 08:26 PM

Made my horse mad daughter cry, but I found it funny.

woodster - 7/3/13 at 08:49 PM


Confused but excited. - 7/3/13 at 08:57 PM

So Michael Jackson has come back as a small horse.
Who said there ain't no justice?
Soon to be appearing at a burger joint near you!

T66 - 7/3/13 at 09:09 PM


iank - 7/3/13 at 09:11 PM

travelguide - 6/4/13 at 03:18 AM

ha ha ha/.....LOL

Kong - 15/5/13 at 10:39 PM

Love it!

loggyboy - 15/5/13 at 10:42 PM

Kong, that avatar is waaaaay to big!

Kong - 15/5/13 at 10:45 PM

I know, I don't know how to shrink it?!

Peteff - 16/5/13 at 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Kong
I know, I don't know how to shrink it?!

Open it in paint, in the image menu go to resize/skew and change the 100% in size to 40% both boxes. Save it and use it as your avatar.