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Engine of Choice?
johnny chimpo - 25/10/13 at 08:26 AM

Hi all, just looking for a general opinion..... If you were to change your current engine in your MNR what would you go for?

I have a 5pw R1 engine but am considering changing to something a bit newer, is the Hayabusa the one to go for bang per buck or is there perhaps something else that I should consider.

It has been suggested that for the money the cbr1000 engine is a better all round engine and achieves good power and torque, however if it is such a good package why are so many people fitting hayabusa engines instead??

I know the engine mounts etc will be totally different from what I currently have, but that can be resolved and is not something that I am concerned about, I'm more interested in what the general consensus is for the best bike engine for our MNR's.


russbost - 25/10/13 at 08:49 AM

"however if it is such a good package why are so many people fitting hayabusa engines instead?? " - for the same reason tht everyone fitted Fireblade engines a few years ago - they are blinkered sheep & can't think for themselves so blindly follow what's been done b4.

The MODERN CBR1000 is a far better bang per buck engine tho' hasn't got the overall grunt of the 'busa, the ZZR1400 is a better package all round, more expensive than the CBR but cheaper than the 'busa, but similar power & substantially more torque. Someone recently posted a list of all the bike engines with GENUINE at the wheel hp figures (do a search), ZZR1400 had more power as standard than all but 1 of the tuned 'busas IIRC

In bang per buck I would think ZX12R would take some beating, but with all these engines depends on your installation & useage, for instance if you're going to track it then I think you'd need to dry sump the 'busa (fortunes!) but I THINK you are ok with just sump mods on the others I've mentioned?

I would talk to Malc at Yorkshire engines & take his recommendations

chicade - 25/10/13 at 09:28 AM

new zx10r virtually 200hp out the box or zx12 or zx14 all great engines, cbr1000rr good engine too personally i think the hayabusa engines are ok but very expensive once the dry sump conversion is done which for reliability is a must, also suppprised no one has fitted the new bmw 1000rr engines yet as they are 200hp out the box

russbost - 25/10/13 at 09:42 AM

"suppprised no one has fitted the new bmw 1000rr engines yet" - cost I would imagine?

I have a feeling that the ZX10R, though a very good engine isn't ideal in a 7 due to height of sprocket?, & seem to remember people saying gearing isn't suitable, tho' can't really see that one myself? ......................

franky - 25/10/13 at 11:29 AM

as someone said, people are like sheep, they read one 'horror' story on the interweb and pass it off as first hand experience.

Buy whatever you want and just be happy with the fact you've built your car with the engine you want. Also consider buying an engine on ebay or off AB performance, not one that's arrived from a crash damaged bike in the states that no one really knows the history of.

Demessiah - 28/10/13 at 04:25 PM

I have no complaints about my engine

Demessiah - 28/10/13 at 04:26 PM

206bhp ITB ST170, really nice although I would like the bikes sequential box