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ETB speedo problems
tompat3463 - 27/3/11 at 01:41 PM

Hi guys and girls.

My ETB speedo and odometer is goiing haywire when its getting above 60mph. just wondering if anyone else has had this kind of probmel too.

I presume that its electricly feed rather than shaft driven as there are only wire going to the back of if..

The speedo looks pretty accurate up to around 60mph then it goes totally wind and atarts reading 150mph then dipping back down.

I think this may be a problem with the sender unit as the odometer matches the speradicness too.

Will my system use the origional fireblade sender ??

TIA Alan

blue2cv - 27/3/11 at 05:09 PM

Where is your sender situated, had this years ago with similar unit, sender was picking up moving parts inside gearbox, changed position of sender all cured

skibikejohn - 27/3/11 at 05:52 PM

If your wire from the sender unit runs near the power to your electric fuel pump, it may be picking up the fuel pump. I had the same problem and replaced the wire to the speedo sensor with shielded wire. Fixed it easily.

robinj66 - 27/3/11 at 06:06 PM

If you setup uses a daisy wheel attached to the prop and a sender unit thewn the problem will be either 1)that the gap between the sender and the wheel is not quite right or 2) the bracket holdng the sender is flexing/vibrating and that affects the gap

Krismc - 27/3/11 at 06:23 PM

As above definatly fuel pump wiring will cause this or your magnets are both reading at low speeds and not at high speed due to one being mounted/glued on properly