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NODIZ Pro Launch and Group Buy
mtechmatt - 9/10/12 at 09:51 AM

Hi guys,

As some of you would of been following, we are now about to launch our new NODIZ Pro Ignition system. It has a whole host of features, and instead of typing it all out I will let the website do the talking

The first big batch will be arriving at the start of Novemeber, and I will finalise their testing by mid-Novemeber, so in view of letting you guys have the first 'look' I am offering an initial group buy via Locost only...

John has just fitted his prototpye unit, you can see his results here:

Price wise, you have two options:

Option 1 is NODIZ Pro unit, with Bluetooth Dongle, and unterminated loom, which I will offer for £180+VAT (usual retail of £249+VAT)

Option 2: A full kit, comprising NODIZ Pro Unit, FULLY TERMINATED click-and-go loom, New Coil Pack, Leads and Crank Sensor for £240+VAT (usually £299+VAT)

As you can see normal retail is comparable to a Megajolt setup, only theres alot less wiring (as no need for an EDIS module) and lots of extras like launch control and proper rev limiting, shift light, programmable inputs, Android Phone based Digital Dash (yes that right, why buy a digital dash or dash clocks at all when you can make a cradle for your phone and have a real digital display with datalogging???)

Looking to get a minimum of 5 buyers to kick this off for those prices, and the first 5 will also be entitled to free tuning of the ignition here at M-Tech on our rolling road, as well as being involved in any features they would like to see added being implemented asap.

Pop your names on the list here chaps!

[Edited on 9/10/12 by mtechmatt]

wylliezx9r - 9/10/12 at 12:12 PM

Would this work on carb fed (cdi controlled) bike engine ?

Many thanks


mtechmatt - 9/10/12 at 12:29 PM


It wouldnt drive a CDI module, it would need to run a standard coil pack/pencil coil setup.

If you can give me the specs of the triggering system (teeth/angles etc) then I could write the code to decypher it, so in theory, yes it would work fine...

AllWeatherDan - 9/10/12 at 01:11 PM

Would this work on a PINTO?

mtechmatt - 9/10/12 at 01:24 PM


Yup, have a read through Johns install linked above...


mtechmatt - 15/10/12 at 10:36 AM

Mikeb has just been added to the list, running a 1.8CVH

1. MikeB - CVH 1.8

[Edited on 15/10/12 by mtechmatt]

sky12042 - 21/10/12 at 07:58 PM

Hi Matt

Can you add me to the list, would need a full kit for vauxhall c20xe engine.

Looking forward to this upgrade from my old dizzy set up.


mtechmatt - 24/10/12 at 11:45 AM


Could you head and pop your name down on here please:


filemon - 31/10/12 at 10:20 PM


Would be interested in group buy. Would you send to Poland?

Locost_col - 3/11/12 at 07:56 PM

I'd be interested, would this work on a crossflow??

mtechmatt - 5/11/12 at 05:32 PM

Col, yes it would, look at John Emms results on his Xflow.

And yes, we can ship to poland.


filemon - 5/11/12 at 06:40 PM

OK, so sign me in please.

Locost_col - 5/11/12 at 07:32 PM


So does the full kit include everything I need. Trigger wheel etc?

If so I'm in



Locost_col - 5/11/12 at 08:58 PM

Also when can I have one

mtechmatt - 6/11/12 at 08:23 AM

Guys, to join the group buy, sign up over at the NODIZ forums, theres a group buy on there for the Locost group

The official release date is the 25th of this month

There is an option to have a complete kit with T/Wheel, again, see the forums


Locost_col - 6/11/12 at 10:38 AM

Cheers Matt will do

Locost_col - 6/11/12 at 11:11 AM

All signed up. Things you can do whilst sitting in a traffic jam on the m6!

How many more are needed to get the discounted price Matt??

Come on folks throw away your dizzys for good!!

mtechmatt - 9/11/12 at 04:38 PM


Think we need 2 more to hit the first level of discount

Indeed, bin the dizzy!!


Locost_col - 9/11/12 at 08:29 PM

sky12042 - 28/11/12 at 07:47 PM

Come on guys. Is anybody else interested in this group buy

Just need a couple more to get a discount.


mtechmatt - 11/12/12 at 07:06 PM


I am happy fpr this to go ahead at the current amount. Please can you/others call us on 01373 30 30 33 during office hours to purchase your NODIZ.


mtechmatt - 2/1/13 at 02:01 PM

Ok chaps this Group buy us now ready to go ahead.

To make things easier, I have listed the units on eBay: 047675.l2563

Make an offer of £180+VAT (£216) and specify your are from here, and the first 5 sales will take it at that price


meakin - 2/1/13 at 03:51 PM

Hi There,
This seems a bit cheeky as I have only just joined the forum but could I take advantage of this offer too (please)
I am fitting a zetec 2.0l into my xflow westfield, I'll be using zx9r bike carbs and this ignition system looks ideal.

mtechmatt - 2/1/13 at 09:31 PM

Paul, its first come first serve, so jump on it by all means
