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megajolt ignition questions
nige - 29/5/13 at 10:45 AM

im just in the process of wireing up the car
does anyone have any tips on where to site the
coil pack , edis unit and the megajolt box
photo,s would be usefull

cheers nige

snowy2 - 29/5/13 at 02:33 PM

Megajolt......somewhere dry pref in side car.
edis.......any where handy and not putting leads under any tension. engine block will do.

snapper - 29/5/13 at 05:06 PM

There have been issues with EDIS cooking in the bay, I have mine with the jolt under the dash

nige - 29/5/13 at 07:18 PM

thanks chaps

Not Anumber - 29/5/13 at 08:10 PM

Im sure I read somewhere a while ago that it's best to use seperate live feed wires for the coil and the Megajolt to avoid risk of voltage spikes generated by the coil interfering with the Megajolt. Is this regarded as best practice ?

In my case i'll be interupting the supply to the coil via a relay (hard rev limiter) so could run the supply to the coli directly from the battery via an inline fuse if needed.

DarrenW - 30/5/13 at 05:50 AM

I put mega jolt behind dash. Coil pack was sited such that ignition leads and wiring was all neat and tidy.

As an aside I routed all wiring in engine bay such that none crossed passed the exhaust manifold. (pinto)

nige - 30/5/13 at 08:15 AM

thanks guys

all advice taken and will be used

Irony - 30/5/13 at 08:32 AM

Admittedly I have not run mine yet but I have mounted the Megajolt behind the dash and the EDIS8 on the scuttle. I have heard the EDIS can get very hot and putting it in the engine compartment can make this issue worse. Having prowled some 4x4 forums (they use EDIS8 for their RoverV8s) I read somewhere that mounting it on a heatsink helps massively. I had a broken xbox 360 and I butchered a similar sized heatsink from that and mounted the EDIS on that.

nige - 30/5/13 at 09:22 AM

would you send me a pic please

cheers nige