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Ouch 2
AndyW - 7/2/13 at 10:05 PM

Million pound car, million pound repair bill

I bet his premium will change at renewal time.....

sorry link didn't work was trying to use an ipad thing.....

[Edited on 8/2/13 by AndyW]

bi22le - 7/2/13 at 10:19 PM

Linky no worky

Slimy38 - 7/2/13 at 10:24 PM

Better link

Gocompare! Gocompare! etc etc....

[Edited on 7/2/13 by Slimy38]

PS. Chris, looks like the button to create links to external websites is messing up the links....

[Edited on 7/2/13 by Slimy38]

Jaybeee - 7/2/13 at 11:27 PM

Isn't this the second time he has crashed it?

loggyboy - 8/2/13 at 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Jaybeee
Isn't this the second time he has crashed it?

Its about the cost of the repairs after he crashed it in 2011.

James - 8/2/13 at 06:52 PM

Respect to him though- he's done 40,000 miles in it! It's hardly something he hides away in a garage!

Good article on the rebuild in Classic Car Magazine. £4.70 for a mag for one article is ridiculous tho so I read it in Sainsbury's!

He was determined to keep it unarguably the same car so refused to let them build a new chassis for it and had it repaired instead. For which they dug out the original jigs from storage.

According to someone I know who used to work at Mclaren, you can still get a new one built if you're willing to pay enough.... about £7mil!


Ben_Copeland - 8/2/13 at 07:14 PM

They said on the radio this morning that his insurance will be about £60k a year