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Locost dismantlers
Benzine - 26/9/14 at 10:08 PM

Anyone else a serial dismantler of their se7en/kit? Mine is almost ready for another MOT test and I'm tempted to strip it to bits again. A couple of weeks fettling and I could be driving it but I have more temptation to strip it and do some major changes even though I've not driven it since the latest mods. I'm even thinking about taking it back to bare chassis, blasting it and spraying with epoxy. Help!

Ben_Copeland - 27/9/14 at 06:25 AM

There's 3 types of Kitcar people.

The ones that love building
The ones that love driving
And the rare ones that love doing both.

Sounds like your heading towards the first one.

I'm heading towards the second, don't think I'll bother making another one. I've done two now, that's enough.

jwhatley - 27/9/14 at 07:46 AM

I know what you mean.

This year for me has been more towards the first. Although ive had quite a bit of time out on the road/track with it but the majority of the time is has been sat in the garage with me tweaking bits here and there. Im looking forward to next year being the other way round.

Ive pretty much done all i want to do to it, with the run up the christmas hopefully finishing the last bits off that i want to change - new floor/ diffuser, larger fuel tank and 4 pot rear brakes.

Then, it will be run it for a year, engine refresh and sell.

Move on to do something different, I'm thinking of a Spire or something along those lines, non road legal.

[Edited on 27/9/14 by jwhatley]

big_wasa - 27/9/14 at 07:48 AM

All about the tinkering

Ben_Copeland - 27/9/14 at 08:01 AM

That's why a lot of cars get sold soon after being put on the road. Builders not drivers.

scutter - 29/9/14 at 04:54 PM

I love the build If/when mines on the road I try to get my fix by helping others.

Regards Dan.