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Shopping at Goodwood Revival?
Jonte - 31/8/15 at 07:59 AM


I´m going to the Revival next week and wonder what I can shop there
I found the official shop at
But there must be more to buy, what can I expect?

HowardB - 31/8/15 at 08:12 AM

From what I remember there are lots of memorabilia stalls too. Clothing, art, etc


joneh - 31/8/15 at 09:30 AM

It's also the beaulieu auto jumble next weekend...

rusty nuts - 31/8/15 at 10:47 AM

Went a couple of years ago , there was a few tool type stands from what I remember as well as clothing general motoring gear etc .

spaximus - 31/8/15 at 12:36 PM

There are lots of shopping opportunities from vintage clothes, art, watches the odd tool stand and a mixture of others. What you will find is they charge astonishing prices on the day. Nothing is cheap on the day but some great things to throw wedge at.

PS. it is the week after next.