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Say NO to MP's medals
mad-butcher - 11/2/10 at 02:00 PM

I offer no appologies for this posting but please take a look at this petition you might like to sign up after reading it.

No to medals for MP's

Please pass this link on to everyone in your address book, MP's who visit Afghanistan get a medal. Our boys and girls have to spend sometime in the theatre and fight in order to qualify for their medals.

link now working
[Edited on 11/2/10 by mad-butcher]

[Edited on 11/2/10 by mad-butcher]

dan__wright - 11/2/10 at 02:06 PM

no link but yes i agree with you

miikae - 11/2/10 at 02:30 PM

Totally agree with you and duly signed it.

jabbahutt - 11/2/10 at 02:34 PM

signed, didn't realise you could be entitled to a medal for being a thieving, corrupt double dealing low life.

Maybe they should start giving them to convicted convicts as well.

tomprescott - 11/2/10 at 02:46 PM

Originally posted by jabbahutt

Maybe they should start giving them to convicted convicts as well.

02GF74 - 11/2/10 at 02:55 PM

signed - a ridiculous idea.

what will it be next, free duck houses?

fesycresy - 11/2/10 at 03:13 PM

This country is a fcuking joke.

bodger - 11/2/10 at 03:24 PM

Unbelievable, I love how, when you see them on tv, they're always decked out in full body armour, no equipment shortages for them. They should drop them in the dessert in a pair of Y fronts & then starting shooting at their feet to make them dance. Best dancer gets a medal. - Petition Signed!

lsdweb - 11/2/10 at 03:43 PM

Signed. I have a couple of medals for my job but feel a bit of a fraud wearing them amongst people who have been to war. God knows why MPs think they deserve them!

Breaker - 11/2/10 at 03:44 PM

Sorry for asking, but what's an MP?

cd.thomson - 11/2/10 at 03:46 PM

military personnel of course

James - 11/2/10 at 03:51 PM

At first it sounded like a load of rubbish. I'm really interested in politics and hadn't heard about this. Did a bit of searching:

As you'd imagine, it's more complex than you'd expect. The medal is for being a member of the AFPS (Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme, a body which allows politicians to spend around 22 days a year with the military.)

It certainly seems ridiculous to offer a medal. But having said that, anything that encourages our 'career politicians' to have some exposure to the military seems a good idea. I hate the idea that no one in the cabinet knows anything about war- but it's up to them (in theory! see Chilcott enquiry) to send men/women to die.


Daddylonglegs - 11/2/10 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Breaker
Sorry for asking, but what's an MP?

Malingering P***s

fesycresy - 11/2/10 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by lsdweb
Signed. I have a couple of medals for my job but feel a bit of a fraud wearing them amongst people who have been to war. God knows why MPs think they deserve them!

I take it you saved lives (Fire Service ?) possibly above and beyond the call, still a worth while reason for a medal.

No fraud in our books.

lsdweb - 11/2/10 at 04:01 PM

fesycresy - yes Fire Service. I guess I've saved a few over many years. I don't wear them often!!!

James - 11/2/10 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Breaker
Sorry for asking, but what's an MP?

Member of Parliament

There's been a (rather over-hyped in my opinion) scandal over their expense claims over the last year or so.

As if everyone here has always been 100% honest with the expenses!!! lol!


skodaman - 11/2/10 at 04:29 PM

Signed and disgusted with politicians

GMPMotorsport - 11/2/10 at 04:37 PM

Signed. But if it's like the rest of the pettions then we will get some lame excuse at the end of it all!

locobri - 11/2/10 at 04:51 PM

Completly agree with sentiments here and have signed

02GF74 - 11/2/10 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by James

There's been a (rather over-hyped in my opinion) scandal over their expense claims over the last year or so.

As if everyone here has always been 100% honest with the expenses!!! lol!

yeah but I am not claiming tens of thousands of pounds of public money.

not even hundreds.

Confused but excited. - 11/2/10 at 05:18 PM

lsdweb, were them with pride mate.
Having worked in the chemical industry for years and see a few horrors and 'got some in', I would say you had earned them.

gottabedone - 11/2/10 at 05:41 PM

The losers running this country really have no shame

signed! ..............and lsdweb - wear them with pride as the fire service is a job that most don't have the stomach or bottle for!


jollygreengiant - 11/2/10 at 07:01 PM

Done, they are worse than vermin, they undermine the merit of all the medals given.

russbost - 11/2/10 at 07:56 PM

Done - just another opportunity for so called public servants to give themselves an undeserved pat on the back!