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Our Greyhound has beaten his all time record.
Thinking about it - 3/10/10 at 02:38 PM

Due to the bad weather last night and today our greyhound has gone 14 1/2 hrs without and refusing to go out for a pee.

Take him for a walk and its every 5 mins.

jacko - 3/10/10 at 02:41 PM

look behind the settee

Thinking about it - 3/10/10 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by jacko
look behind the settee

Not moved off his bed the lazy git.

Peteff - 3/10/10 at 04:15 PM

He'll be lying in a swamp then

carpmart - 3/10/10 at 04:18 PM

My spaniel bitch does the same, its the wet she hates!

nick205 - 3/10/10 at 06:40 PM

Just booted the moggy out after being on her bed all day - she's sat on the windowsill tapping the glass looking royal pi55ed off

rsmith95uk - 3/10/10 at 07:13 PM

Same with my one!

speedyxjs - 3/10/10 at 07:40 PM

Our dog will step out the door, turn around and come back in so now we take him out on the lead and he ducks under a bush to do his business