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To ski or not to ski, with a helmet is the question
welderman - 13/1/11 at 11:24 AM

How do to any peeps who go skiing, ive been thinking about this since last year after watching someone being air lifted from the piste after a head injury.
Who out there wears one and if you do is it down to personal choice or are the any light weight good makes out there.

Jasper - 13/1/11 at 11:29 AM

Just about to put mine on Ebay, perfect condition, I wouldn't go without one, seen too many nasty accidents. If you want the details let me know.

eddie99 - 13/1/11 at 11:30 AM

Haven't been in 18months, but usually take a helmet but only wear is on misty, shitty conditions. When its nice, clear and sunny i tend not to.. Although i've heard some of the bigger ski resorts will be making it compulsory. My one was on sale in the summer, so very cheap and isnt uncomfortable but still prefer to wear a hat

loggyboy - 13/1/11 at 11:32 AM

Went a few times back in the 90s with the school when I was about 13-15, you would have been laughed off the slopes back then, and not just by the teenagers.
If I went now i think it would depend on how busy the slopes were, how fast they were, my confidence and alike.

Guinness - 13/1/11 at 11:38 AM

Wouldn't hit the slopes without one.

We went snowboarding last year, and almost everyone was wearing a helmet.

It's not just about your confidence / accident, it's all too easy to get involved in someone elses accident (IMHO).

welderman - 13/1/11 at 11:39 AM

i suppose after the sad death of Natasha Richardson, its become more of an issue, i heard Canada might be making it compulsory to wear one, whatever age.

Jasper - 13/1/11 at 11:45 AM

Yeah - a mate was crippled last year by a snowmobile coming the wrong way up a slope, I don't care if I looked a bit daft in mine, lifes too short and prescious.

russbost - 13/1/11 at 11:52 AM

I've skied for about 27 years without a helmet - no injuries, but have just bought one for the first time simply because it's the sensible thing to do.
They're much more acceptable nowadays & a lot of resorts insist on them for kids - also I reckon it'll keep my ears warmer & improve my streamlining!!!

mikeb - 13/1/11 at 11:54 AM

i been skiing a few time and didn't wear one, i went boarding last year and most snowboarders were wearing them including us. Its easy to catch the back edge on a board and hit your head, i did the helmet really helped.

Skiiers seems a little reluctant to wear them, with boarders it kind of goes with the image better. If you're a good skiier you might get away without one if your still learning its a definate must.


tegwin - 13/1/11 at 12:53 PM

I wear one all the time.... Dont care if people think I look like a knob..... My head is quite important to me... Plus it keeps my noggin warm as well :-)

gavinpurvis - 13/1/11 at 01:02 PM

yep ive got one too, get a one with hifi earpads, tunes protection and warmth all in one

adithorp - 13/1/11 at 01:30 PM

I wear one. I've worn a cycle helmet for years and just couldn't find a justification not to do the same when skiing. Parents probably have difficulty justifying not wearin one when thier children have to (law for all children in Italy). If nothing else it downgrades must head injuries... a painfull bump is now just a bump, concution just a painfull bump, gashed head just a damaged helmet... It's comfortable, warm and my goggles don't steam up after they've been up on it unlike when I put them on top of a wooly hat. Take time trying a lot on to find the best fit as everybodys head is a different shape.

ShaunB - 13/1/11 at 01:44 PM

I've had at least 2 wipeouts where the only trace of me has been 3 repeating dents in the snow (rear of snowboard, front of snowboard, helmet, repeat) - I wouldn't go out without one. I have a Giro 9, very comfortable and has lots of vents that can be left open on warm days, or bunged with foam rubber inserts on cold days.


BenB - 13/1/11 at 03:00 PM

I wear one cos I'm kind of fond of my brain. It's not like they're uncomfortable. Only problem was last time I left it outside in -15 for an hour then had to put it on again It was like drinking a slush puppy too quickly but in my head!

skibikejohn - 13/1/11 at 03:10 PM

I ski regularly at Lake Louise and most of the Canadians wear helmets. Wear mine every time.

jase380 - 13/1/11 at 04:13 PM

im in italy now and its compulsary to wear one upto the age of 14 and also if you want to use any of the snowparks, bought myself a salomon one before we came out and ive found it just as comfy as the hats i would have normaly worn.

cliftyhanger - 13/1/11 at 05:10 PM

Looks like I am in a minirity.
Yep, my kids wear them, but I never have (20 years I guess now )
I think they started to become a "fashion accessory" to go with the ne wave of skiers, driven by snowboarders. So the aggressive jumpy/tricky lot wore them, and it has spread from there.
Boarders seem particularly at risk, I think they are generally more into risk-taking, and often seem to end up in a heap where skiers tend to recover better and get away with things, or if they do go over then the crash scene is rather less dramatic. Certainly never come remotely close to wacking my head even when all ski's/pole/glasses etc have ended up strewn along 100m or more, or indeed when I broke a snoblade.

Saying that the eldest daughter did some night skiing down a very icy/steep piste, went over and scuffed the side of her helmet. Would have been a few cuts on the side of her face I reckon.

Anyway, if you wish to wear a helmet, then nobody will regard you as silly or foolish. Just avoid the neon colour schemes so loved by the French

Johneturbo - 13/1/11 at 06:08 PM

i'm disgusted by the amount of people here that ski nasty habbit

like some here, i've snowboarded for about 15yrs and last year for the first time i wore one, the boarder helmets are much more stylish. like the Bern peaked

cliftyhanger - 13/1/11 at 07:07 PM

Hmm, skiing is rather more gentlemanly I find
Won't find the Royals on one of those board contraptions. Well, maybe that one of dubious origin (Harry)

mark chandler - 13/1/11 at 07:10 PM

Went sking years ago, just funny hats then but in hindsite I nearly bashed my brains out on rocks, I would forget pride and wear one now!

Jonte - 13/1/11 at 07:32 PM

Been skiing the last 35 years and never had an helmet until last year. Bought one nice white helmet that doesnīt weight to much. Itīs more accepted these days to wear a helmet and they look good too.
In the 80īs and 90īs you would be the odd one in the slopes with a helmet, today itīs the other way around

Johneturbo - 13/1/11 at 07:43 PM

Originally posted by cliftyhanger
Hmm, skiing is rather more gentlemanly I find
Won't find the Royals on one of those board contraptions. Well, maybe that one of dubious origin (Harry)

The same Harry that also rides a ducati 1198... see style again

if you do get a hat make sure you don't look like canonball man

adithorp - 13/1/11 at 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Johneturbo
if you do get a hat make sure you don't look like canonball man

Have you met Joe?

ChrisL - 13/1/11 at 08:59 PM

You wouldn't dream of going out on a mountain bike without a helmet, why is skiing any different. I wear one and I barely notice it. Most younger skiers / snowboarders seem to be wearing helmets now too...

welderman - 14/1/11 at 12:26 AM

Looks like im gonna be buying a helmet, thanks for all your input on the matter, will post a picture up of it when i buy one