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Thieves Struck, House Deed advice needed
r1_pete - 19/11/14 at 10:01 PM

Mrs popped out for an hour, this afternoon, and some scum burgled us....

They didn't get much, 2 3 year old laptops, and the safe!!

The safe was bolted to the wall, and they loosened the brick and plaster levering it off the wall, it only had my expired passport, some papers with no sale value, and the deeds to the house in it. Wife was collecting a parcel for me and needed photo id so her passport wasn't in there.

Its the loss of the deeds that worries me, does anyone know where we start to get duplicates or whatever? I'm hoping the insurance company can help, but can't speak to them till tomorrow, so turning to the collective wisdom on here.....



whitestu - 19/11/14 at 10:23 PM

Basd luck - that's not nice!

Depending on when you bought the house your deeds may be online. Not sure what year this came in though.


blakep82 - 19/11/14 at 10:28 PM

Land registy is who you need to contact

femster87 - 19/11/14 at 10:30 PM

Sorry mate, had the same 3 weeks ago whilst working away. Random call from Mr plod at 8pm telling me to come home.

nick205 - 19/11/14 at 10:57 PM

Without wanting to pry, do you own outright or have a mortgage?

I'd imagine a mortgage lender would have a copy or at least evidence that you completed the mortgage and title was fully transferred.

Deeds must get lost, damaged fairly frequently so there must be a mechanism for reissue.

Theshed - 20/11/14 at 08:11 AM

Deeds as such have been phased out since 1925. They are only important for unregistered land and that is now fairly rare - most land having changed hands since 1925. You should be able to get duplicate title documents from the Land Registry who will also be able to provide copies of any covenants etc that affect your land. There is no value in these documents to the thieves who took them.

RedAvon - 20/11/14 at 08:16 AM

Try your solicitor that did the house conveyance at time of purchase - they may hold a copy in file?


russbost - 20/11/14 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Theshed
Deeds as such have been phased out since 1925. They are only important for unregistered land and that is now fairly rare - most land having changed hands since 1925. You should be able to get duplicate title documents from the Land Registry who will also be able to provide copies of any covenants etc that affect your land. There is no value in these documents to the thieves who took them.

What he said, your solicitor should be able to access them very readily & cheaply - I have a feeling there is no actuall requirement to have hard copies anymore as they are available online anyway, but again, solicitor who dealt with purchase is best guy to speak to.

r1_pete - 20/11/14 at 10:17 AM

Thanks for all the replies guys.

Yes we own outright.

I'll try the land registry, and then go to a solicitor if needs be, I'm sure the 2 or 3 man outfit who did the conveyencing all those years ago has been swallowed up by a larger firm...

1st thing I need really is a new laptop, its limited what I can do on the company one....

gremlin1234 - 20/11/14 at 10:29 AM

note there are several sites offering searches, but the official one charges £3 for unofficial copies (of docs or siteplan) or £7 for 'official' copies.

edit typos

[Edited on 20/11/14 by gremlin1234]

Slimy38 - 20/11/14 at 12:37 PM

Interestingly I remember a clause in my mortgage that says that once it's complete, the building society would charge me a few pounds a month to host the deeds, or I could take them home. If they're not of any value, what are they trying to scam me out of?!

MikeRJ - 20/11/14 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
Interestingly I remember a clause in my mortgage that says that once it's complete, the building society would charge me a few pounds a month to host the deeds, or I could take them home. If they're not of any value, what are they trying to scam me out of?!
