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Petrol Filters
rsmith95uk - 5/8/10 at 04:35 PM

had some fuelling issues when I changed from Webers to ZR6 carbs which resulted in a change of pump (to a ZR6 unit) and removal of a filter king regulator. I joined the break in the fuel line where the regulator was with another filter.

When ticking over, the new filter never seems to have much fuel in it! Should this fill up - the pre-pump filter does and the old regulator did as well?

Also, there are now three filters in the line - one pre pump, one that is part of the pump unit itself, and one pre carbs. Is this overkill, and could it restrict flow?


snapper - 5/8/10 at 05:07 PM

The extra filter will not fill up unless it is vertical.
When horizontal there is nowhere for the air to go

rsmith95uk - 5/8/10 at 06:55 PM

Snapper, the filter is vertical with input at the bottom.

Engine seems to be running OK in the garage (not taking it out for a run unless I'm confident I wont be stranded somewhere) but the petrol only seems to be filling the bottom of the filter housing by about a quarter of an inch and I can't see how the fuel is getting to the carbs!


deltron63 - 5/8/10 at 07:27 PM

i did the same with mine, it never fills up but it works fine

MakeEverything - 5/8/10 at 09:41 PM

Beware plastic inline filters under pressure.

I had one baloon and pop, spraying fuel everywhere, including over the exhaust.

Make sure its glass or pressure rated.

rsmith95uk - 5/8/10 at 10:21 PM

thanks for the responses - I'll go for a blat and see how it fares!