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Any one tried - Bike Fuel Pump Racers Edge
mikeb - 5/12/11 at 11:46 AM

Seems a lot cheaper than a second hand zx6r one?

Any one tried one or like to comment if it will work etc?

Fuel Pump 2.5-5.5 PSI Ideal for Motorbike Carb systems | eBay



designer - 5/12/11 at 11:58 AM

It's a Facet pump 're-stickered', so should be OK.

Dusty - 5/12/11 at 12:18 PM

Supplied with in line external Filter (to be mounted between the tank and the pump inlet).
If that's a metal bullet filter like the facet ones that screws into the inlet side of the pump the best place for it is the bin. Fit a cheapo plastic £1 inline filter instead. (It's a long and bitter story involving the sides of various roads, hard shoulders of motorways, rainy nights and extreme frustration in identifying the intermittently blocked filter.)

mikeb - 5/12/11 at 12:29 PM

so a yes no on suitability of the pump.
Just wondered if its a better bet than a 12 year old second hand one?

mikeb - 5/12/11 at 12:29 PM

will check out the fuel filter if I get one.
i like the cheapy see through ones as at least you can tell if its blocked!

splitrivet - 5/12/11 at 01:11 PM

Well spotted I'll get myself one of those.

rsmith95uk - 5/12/11 at 03:02 PM

Definitely well spotted - just stuck in an order!

Paul Turner - 9/12/11 at 06:20 PM

With the quoted flow rate and pressure it will be OK up to about 130 bhp and no more. You will still need a regulator to use it with Webers/Delorto's

ChrisL - 2/1/12 at 04:51 PM


I have the same issue, re zx6r fuel pump. Currently have an 'always on' pump. Can you let me know what you think of it and if it is a 'low pressure on' type?


mikeb - 3/1/12 at 04:50 PM

I asked if it was an interupter type pump but they didn't know the answer.
I bought one anyway.
Its solid state and when plumbed in is always running, it doesn't seem to flood the float bowls and my engine runs with it but I've only had it idling.
