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So you think you can drive fast!!!
skydivepaul - 1/11/05 at 11:23 PM

Check out this video

Not me by the way

shortie - 1/11/05 at 11:49 PM

bloody hell!!!

Hellfire - 1/11/05 at 11:50 PM

I think it's a fake... at those speeds around corners the lateral G force would move his headaround quite a bit. It hardly moves throughout the video, suggesting it's been speeded up post edit... looks good though!

[Edited on 1-11-05 by Hellfire]

CommanderAce - 1/11/05 at 11:51 PM

bugger! That scares me just watching it!

Peteff - 1/11/05 at 11:57 PM

Looks pretty average to me.

Jumpy Guy - 2/11/05 at 12:00 AM

dont think its been speeded up- turn the sound down and watch his hands...

fairly calm and controlled, no excessive wheel movements...


andylancaster3000 - 2/11/05 at 12:22 AM

I agree, don't think it has been played with. I think it may be one of these European Hillclimb/Sprint events. Someone posted a link to a site of videos a while ago, it's a similar pace to those.

Truly amazing though!


Volvorsport - 2/11/05 at 12:43 AM

looks pretty good to me !! , just trying to work out what motor it is .

theconrodkid - 2/11/05 at 06:53 AM

looks like my boss driving the transit to work

Spyderman - 2/11/05 at 01:13 PM

That is a scary bit of road!

Looks like the Nurburghring of Hill-climbs!

The consequences of missing a bend would be unthinkable!

David Jenkins - 2/11/05 at 02:07 PM

Makes me dizzy to watch it!

I don't think it's faked - if you look in the mirror, he's really leaning his head over on the tight corners.


ned - 2/11/05 at 03:26 PM

looks like an ex-lemans lola, panoz or bmw to me.


Kowalski - 2/11/05 at 05:11 PM

I can believe it's genuine.

Sounds like either a 6 or a 12 cylinder engine with not a whole lot of silencing. It has a very fast gear change but no paddles because he has to take his hand off the wheel to change gear.

Danozeman - 2/11/05 at 05:30 PM

Awesome. Thats how i drive the vans at work.

Definatley real.

skydivepaul - 2/11/05 at 09:48 PM

Pictures of car and driver Rescued attachment M21Atelier1.jpg
Rescued attachment M21Atelier1.jpg

skydivepaul - 2/11/05 at 09:50 PM

and another Rescued attachment M21Pau2.jpg
Rescued attachment M21Pau2.jpg

skydivepaul - 2/11/05 at 09:50 PM

and anotherImage deleted by owner

OX - 2/11/05 at 11:20 PM

i think it has been speeded up,at one point his hands move that fast they blurr,,dont blink

Gav - 3/11/05 at 08:40 PM

yep watch his hands, too a tad to fast and accurate to be real speed.

Taz Surfleet - 3/11/05 at 10:25 PM

Nice !
reminded me of the test drive martin took me out on! main difference the chap in the video managed to keep all 4 wheels on the ground! (ps martin was driving not me!)

Dale - 6/11/05 at 09:36 PM

Take a look at the flag man at the end- does not look out of speed there?

kevano - 6/11/05 at 11:32 PM

i'd say it's def speeded up, it revs up far too quick even mega powered 2strokes don't rev up that quick!!! looks a bit dubious to me!!

DarrenW - 9/11/05 at 03:31 PM

Bugger - looks like my real player is only working in half speed!!!

That is one quick lap. Looks about right to me. What car is it?
Did you see the barrier at the tight left hander 1 min 30 in - someone didnt make it.

AGK7 - 21/11/05 at 10:20 PM

more details here

Oliver Jetson - 28/11/05 at 05:27 PM

Try this one out for fast!

Old Reynard F3000 giving it large of a European hillclimb FAST

Gotta get myself over the Channel for a blast up one of their hills!


[Edited on 28/11/05 by Oliver Jetson]

G.Man - 29/11/05 at 09:30 AM

Not sped up....

Looks totally genuine to me, and a tuned 4 stroke can easily rev up that quickly with that close a ratio box and a correct diff ratio, its totally geared for acceleration...

greggors84 - 29/11/05 at 02:50 PM

Old F1 engine in a hill climb car could rev that quickly, could very well be genuine.

NS Dev - 9/12/05 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by G.Man
Not sped up....

Looks totally genuine to me, and a tuned 4 stroke can easily rev up that quickly with that close a ratio box and a correct diff ratio, its totally geared for acceleration...


simes43 - 12/12/05 at 01:01 PM

Well, I have come over all inadequate.

Gernster - 22/12/05 at 06:46 PM

aye, thats quality!

durablat - 30/12/05 at 02:03 PM

more of the same

durablat - 30/12/05 at 02:04 PM

the car is one of these

Jasper - 30/12/05 at 04:19 PM

Get yourself on a GOME rally then - lots of hills like that .....

durablat - 30/12/05 at 05:12 PM

whats a Gnome rally???
...........sit's back and waits for silly answer