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Donington - 16th & 17th of september
Jici - 13/6/07 at 03:23 PM

Hi there,

I'm looking for the right kit car show to go to buy a second hand bike engined car (stuart, MK, MNR,...).

The earliest I saw is the Donington one taking place the 16 & 17th of September.

Do you recommend that one for buying a second hand car ? Are there usually a lot of people coming to that one for selling their car ?

I'm also always interested to learn about other events where buying a second hand is possible !

Thanks for your help,


DarrenW - 13/6/07 at 03:24 PM

Newark is this weekend. Not sure about far sale area. Worth checking out the website.

Jici - 13/6/07 at 03:25 PM

Oups could be 15th & 16th instead...

...sorry for that

worX - 13/6/07 at 03:27 PM

Have been told that Newark (this weekend as Darren said) is very good for car sales!


Jici - 13/6/07 at 03:27 PM

thanks daren,

Indeed Newark takes place this week-end.

Unfortunately I can not go to that one and the first one after seems to be Donington in september :-(

zxrlocost - 13/6/07 at 06:35 PM

I will have an MK Indy fireblade for sale as soon as its SVA'd in a months time

take a look in my photoarchive to see my old black car Ill put some pics up of the new one over the next few days

the car is mint and it has a Hobsport GP fireblade engine with a massive power output

thanks chris

Jici - 13/6/07 at 07:44 PM

hay Chris thank you for your answer.

does that mean that there won't be any second hand at all or just fewer than the previous time ?

how many for sale cars can we reasonably expect you think ?

coming from Brussels it is not always easy to follow up...

thanks for your help

matt.c - 13/6/07 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by chris mason
donnington may not be too well attended, the infield area will probably be shut off to the kit car show this year, all to do with there being no track for the show this year, due to there being a race meeting on all weekend, for the 1st time in years i'll probably give it a miss as the show arena is normally poor, with almost 50% of the stands selling sweets or chamios leathers and thats not what you pay £10 entry for.....


Oh great!

Missed TOTALKITCAR Brands! Now no track at Donnington! Donnington wont be the same without the track.

Only TOTALKITCAR LIVE at snetterton left!!

Are there any track days that people are going to go to?