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Chassis Analysis?
paul v6 - 20/10/05 at 07:59 PM

I'm in the middle of building my chassis which has a few changes to the standard book chassis, using different sized material and incorperating a number of additional triangultions. It would be good to run these changes through some software but I have no idea what to use or where to get it!

Any ideas???

Many thanks


CommanderAce - 20/10/05 at 08:13 PM

SolidWorks, erm, your brother!

paul v6 - 20/10/05 at 08:18 PM

You told me yesterday that you didnt have software to analise a chassis.

If you do then get on with it!

CommanderAce - 20/10/05 at 08:19 PM

Times change and I have a degree course to do, so no!

miserableoldgit - 20/10/05 at 10:23 PM

If it's any consolation I have a sibling like that.

Must be in the jeans.

NS Dev - 20/10/05 at 10:43 PM

sod the software!

If it looks right it'll be fine, if it doesn't then it won't!

really technical coming from an engineer but the chassis is hardly the epitome of engineering excellence to start with so I wouldn't worry too much!!

Aboardman - 21/10/05 at 06:39 AM

where would i get a trial version of solidworks, would like to try.

Can use autocad very good and do 3d models in it, is it a lot harder to use.


James - 21/10/05 at 09:00 AM

Paul V6,

Just do the Cymtriks mods.

It's all done for you then!


paul v6 - 21/10/05 at 11:14 AM

Hi James,

I've used the Cymtriks mods plus quite a few others, the material which is aso used to build the tranny tunnel is 22mm with 1.5mm wall thickness which should in theory result in a stiffer chassis with no weight penalty.
