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What to check on BEC before a long journey?
twybrow - 4/5/12 at 04:11 PM

Ok, so I took my car with my newly installed ZX12r out for a spin, and now I actually know which way the gearbox works, it seems to be running pretty well - and it goes like absolute stink! I cant believe the difference that an 18 month break, and an extra 40 bhp or so can do!

Only issues so far are:
- The engine seems to run much cooler than the last one 70-80C, (dipping as low as 65C on a gentle cruise, and up into the 90's when stationary). This could be due to the vented side panel that replaced the previous sealed version. I wondered about covering up a section of the rad!?
- The gear shift is backwards compared to my old Triumph engine, so I either need to learn fast, or figure a way of reversing the motion
- The clutch is very light, and and only really does anything in the top 30% pedal travel range
- Under hard acceleration the car seemed to pull to the right (the road was very lumpy and bumpy) - it will also happily break traction in a straight line!

So, considering today is the first real drive (and so far only for 20 minutes), am I being a fool planning to drive to Stoneleigh tomorrow?! It is nearly2.5 hrs each way and I have no idea if anything is primed to go pop, or fall off!

So LCB collective, should I make the drive? If it were you, what would you be checking/packing for the trip? And if you have answers for any of my current bugs, that is also welcomed!

Dangle_kt - 4/5/12 at 04:28 PM

personally I wouldn't - I'd be a big stress head all the way there and back - so I wouldn't enjoy the day as much.

adithorp - 4/5/12 at 04:31 PM

None of the current bugs are a quick fix.
Gear change direction and clutch feel need "engineering" to alter. The bite point might be altered by letting off the cable a bit... then again you might get used to it (different isn't always wrong.
Cooling/temp is controled by the 'stat so it's probably just the way the '12 is. Covering a bit of the rad will not have a lot of effect untill the weather improves and then it'll run hot/overheat; Probably in a place where you are least able to stop and uncover it! The only advantage of covering in cold climates is it reduces the thermal shock when the stat opens. Tried it on mine and temps are the same when moving. If you do cover some, don't cover any of the fan area.
The pulling might well be corner weighting. Distribution has probably altered now with the new engine. Just take care this weekend and sort later.

As for checks. Short answer; Do you trust your ability to change the engine or not?
I'd just go around everything and check it's tight (prop especially), check for leaks, top up the fluid levels, carry some spares and tools and check your breakdown cover is up to date. Life's too short to worry about the "what if's" too much. If you change a light buld it might blow when you switch it on the first time or it might last a life time; You don't stand about wondering whether to switch it on.

See you at Stoneleigh. Tommorow evening!

cosmick - 4/5/12 at 04:38 PM

Well done for getting the car sorted and working out the gear lever is back to front. This can reasonably easily be converted by altering one of the connections and probably the easiest will be the connection to the spline on the engine. simply turn the linkage through 180 degrees to the other side of the shaft and the gear change will be the right way around.
as for your plan to go to Stoneleigh, i would recommend travelling with more than one car, just in case you get any problems. Have a good check around the engine and propshaft(s) and satisfy yourself that there are no leaks or the odd bolt that was loose.
Good luck and maybe see you there as i will be going.

dlatch - 4/5/12 at 04:50 PM

5hr shake down run sounds perfect don't forget the AA membership card

skodaman - 4/5/12 at 04:56 PM

Spare engine in the back and job done. . You're very brave if you go for it. Keep us informed.

mark chandler - 4/5/12 at 05:03 PM

It will be fine

Engine in the bike gets plenty of airflow, so the thermostat is suspect.

Bit cold to drive anywhere without a roof, but then I'm a feeble !

fullpint - 4/5/12 at 05:46 PM

You will be fine mate.. Cold yes but just pop on an extra layer or toooooooooooo..

I took my Mk Indy blade for a 2 hour run down to Crescent on Weds. Had a cuppa and then a 2 hour run back home...

steve m - 4/5/12 at 06:09 PM

Ear plugs, and an intolorrent to high frequency noise

YQUSTA - 4/5/12 at 06:29 PM

Go for it mate, as long as you are happy that the engine is working then the rest is just a bit of getting used to.

My ZX9R has about the same amount of clutch travel maybe its a Kawak thing?

You have my number if you get stuck I'm going up Sunday so should be ar home tomorrow, testing my engine under load if the weather holds out but thats about it.

PAUL FISHER - 4/5/12 at 07:48 PM

Make sure your oil filter is on nice and tight.

computid - 4/5/12 at 07:57 PM

Just go for it. Make sure you've got good AA cover or equivalent.

matt_gsxr - 4/5/12 at 09:03 PM

mobile phone charged, drive in day-time, AA up to date.

Keep an eye on the gauges and you can't go far wrong.

adithorp - 4/5/12 at 09:42 PM

Originally posted by matt_gsxr
mobile phone charged, drive in day-time, AA up to date.

Keep an eye on the gauges and you can't go far wrong.

If Matt can make it there anybody can

matt_gsxr - 4/5/12 at 10:07 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Originally posted by matt_gsxr
mobile phone charged, drive in day-time, AA up to date.

Keep an eye on the gauges and you can't go far wrong.

If Matt can make it there anybody can

That was last year (new turbo install, mapping en-route, miss-fires about 6kRPM).
This year were going to a wedding so will be in boring car (on sunday).

Gti6boy - 4/5/12 at 10:33 PM

I made the 1 1/2hr trip back from picking my Mk up. 7am never driven a kit car or a rwd or had a sequential box

It was great fun, just had break down cover in place

twybrow - 5/5/12 at 05:19 PM

My sensible side prevailed, and I have decided against it... Took the car out for a blast and it felt great, although tail happy on greasy roads, but I have opted to have some local fun in it, whilst working on fixing the snag list... Thanks for all your input - you nearly convinced me!