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ZX-9R Microfiche
Macca - 13/9/03 at 09:21 PM

If anybody is interested I have just acquired the above cd which covers all the 9R models, 96/98/01/02.

There may of been an extra one stuck together in the parcel,which for the covering of expenses and P&P could be yours.
It needs Adobe acrobat reader 5.0 or above to run,but this is included.
If any interest just U2U me!

Chris7 - 14/9/03 at 03:10 PM


Just Sent a u2 to you

Thanks Chris B

Jasper - 15/9/03 at 01:17 PM

Also at the following link online:

Only C1 engine tho

benedict - 29/9/03 at 01:33 PM

(crosspost with BEC list - sorry for peeps reading twice)
While just looking round my hard-disk for something else, I've just found an
excel workbook I did afew months ago with all the (BEC relavent ie. no
wheels/handlebars etc) fiches and corresponding part numbers for the ZX9 C1
& C2. The part numbers are the same as my local kwak dealer use and I used
the spreadsheet for comparing which bits were the same between C1&2 engines.
I got the info from the usa kwak website (, saved off all
the relavent pics and put the pics & pic-key to part number into excel so
not rocket science or hard info to come by but if anyone wants a copy of
this please drop me a line offlist as I'm sure it could be usefull/save some


PS If you go to the website and go to the motorcycles section you can get to the parts fiches for most of the kwak bikes - certainly all incarnations of ZX9.