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Single Blade Wiper Motor
Mal - 15/7/09 at 07:05 PM

I would appreciate your help in identiying the source of wiper motor to operate a single blade on the windscreen of the car I am building.
It needs to be compact, have an arc of travel of about 170 degrees and, to pass the IVA test, have 2 speeds.
Most of the requirements could be met by a a rear wiper motor, but in my experience rear wipers are single speed.
Do any cars have 2 speed rear motors?

2 cars having an original equipment single blade front wiper are the Mercedes 190 and, I think Citroen BX. The mechanism on the Mercedes is too large and I have not been able to locate a BX one.

Any suggestions please.


SteveWalker - 15/7/09 at 07:21 PM

Mini wiper motor and only use one wheelbox? You can position the motor somewhere reasonable with more space.

Any other compact front wiper motor with the crank arm removed and an adapted splined shaft fitted?

Mark Allanson - 15/7/09 at 07:21 PM

Fiat Uno, Panda?

Mal - 15/7/09 at 07:30 PM

The problem with using the Mini motor would be the arc of travel, which would be too small.

ruudbeckers - 15/7/09 at 07:54 PM

Can't you use a resistor in series with the wiper motor to get a lower speed?

SteveWalker - 15/7/09 at 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Mal
The problem with using the Mini motor would be the arc of travel, which would be too small.

Not necessarily, you can get different crank wheels and different wheelbox wheels, but I don't know what angle you'd get with the largest crank and the smallest wheelbox. I do know that the largest crank angle is 130°, I wonder what wheelboxes are available?

Ah, just found out that early setups used 22 tooth boxes and later 32 tooth, I wonder if the pitch is the same, if so, a 130° drive and 22 tooth wheels would presumably give a huge angle.

[Edited on 15/7/09 by SteveWalker]

AR-CoolC - 15/7/09 at 07:56 PM

Citroen AX is the only other one I can think of.

There are no cars with double speed rear motor as far as I know.

Mal - 15/7/09 at 08:05 PM

Two suggestions I had not thought of:
increasing the arc of travel of the mini wiper motor by using the optimum components.
Also, making a single speed rear motor into a 2 speed by switching in a resistor.
The IVA regulations have specific reqirements for the speed difference, so I will have to look these up.

SteveWalker - 15/7/09 at 09:04 PM

I think that the resistor option won't work, 'cos, as you say there are specific requirements for sweep rate. Presumably a single speed motor will only satisfy the lower speed requirement and adding a resistor will only make it go slower. I suppose you could do this and add a pair of gearwheels so that you've got a higher speed to start with.

[Edited on 15/7/09 by SteveWalker]

Madinventions - 15/7/09 at 09:09 PM

The Citroen AX has a single wiper but the mechanism is a bit clunky.

What you need is the front motor from a Fiat Uno. If Fiat Uno's are hard to find (yes, they are) then a Fiat Fiorino van uses the same part. Have a look on my build website for pics and wiring info. The Fiat motor is self contained and will give you two speeds, self parking and an intermittent wipe which is very wasy to wire up and connect to. It's mounted by 2 bolts and the wiper stem so it's dead easy.

Any questions - send me a U2U.



[Edited on 15/7/09 by Madinventions]

Mal - 16/7/09 at 06:17 PM

I went to the scrapyard today and bought wiper motors from a Fiat Uno and a Citroen AX for a small sum.
I will use the one that fits the available space best.
Thank you for all your suggestions.
