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Usable donor?
BlackSheep - 15/9/06 at 09:59 AM

After lurking around here for a while, I've decided to seriously start my own locost project. So here's my first post, please be patient with yet another newbie

Currently I'm doing a part-time studies in Mechanical Engineering (with a minor in automotive engineering), and I think besides that it's fun to build a locost, it can help me to practice what I've been tought.

I found a cheap '94 Volvo 850 2.3 T5 (manual transmission). I want to build a LHD book-chassis car from the McSorley plans. Would the volvo be a suitable donor for this?

At least it's a manual, and has plenty of power, although I'm not sure about the size/weight. Also complexity might be an issue? The only experience I have is with restoring a '70 1302 VW beetle...

I apologise for stupid questions in advance...

nick205 - 15/9/06 at 10:33 AM

welcome aboard

Is the Volvo engine a 5 cylinder? If so it may be a bit big for the locost, especially if you need to accommodate a turbo and intercooler?

Hammerhead - 15/9/06 at 10:36 AM

take a look at this:

Volvorsport - 15/9/06 at 10:36 AM

oooh where do i start .

yes and yes - youll need a RWD transmission to mate to it .

do a search - its definitey been posted before .

BlackSheep - 18/9/06 at 11:10 AM

Thanks for all the info! I did a search, but probably not good enough... The engine is indeed a 5 cylinder Nick, and I have the same questions. The concept car posted here looks very nice, but as far as I can see it's a V6 which is a more compact engine I believe (should be 2 cylinders shorter).

But my problem is solved for now, since the car was sold yesterday So now I can move on to the next problem which is to get a welding generator, since the garage I'm renting only has 230V 6A available. Enough for grinding and drilling, but not welding....

Thanks again anyway for all the advise! It's comforting to know I can ask some people who actually have hands-on experience