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J15 IVA Pass :-)
Paul AS - 22/4/13 at 05:28 PM

How the hell did that happen?? Failed last Tuesday, passed today! 10 minute re-test, in 20 minutes early and a happy inspector!

Happy days! Now into battle with the DVLA.

Somebody asked me about weight last week. 571kgs with a full tank of fuel (about 5 gallons). I also have steel bodied shocks, not ally. I didn't set out to build it superlight, even tough it is probably 20 kg more than I was expecting.

At least I know which car I'll be going to Le Mans in now!

Dualist - 22/4/13 at 05:37 PM

Congrats mate, your car is a beaut

CRAIGR - 22/4/13 at 05:42 PM

Well done. Car looks stunning

theprisioner - 22/4/13 at 05:50 PM

Very well done!

HowardB - 22/4/13 at 06:05 PM

that is awesome, well done, looking forward to some "on the road" videos,.. .

adithorp - 22/4/13 at 06:12 PM

Nice one!

Have you got the registration wheels in motion? 2 weeks to Stoneleigh and I've only ever seen Jeremy's own car there. Would be good to see some owners J15 make it.

MsD - 22/4/13 at 06:13 PM

Congratulations. Can I ask what it failed first time on? And what the fix was?


nickm - 22/4/13 at 06:20 PM

Well done.
Enjoy the summer.

Nick M

big_wasa - 22/4/13 at 06:46 PM

very nice

theduck - 22/4/13 at 08:12 PM

Well done! Fingers crossed for smooth registration process!

deeceee09 - 22/4/13 at 10:52 PM

Well done Paul, another J15 about to hit the roads.

If my car is in one piece after a sprint at Goodwood this weekend I hope to be at Stoneleigh if the weather is OK.

Paul AS - 22/4/13 at 11:06 PM

Thanks guys. I really appreciate all the nice comments. The fail was for handbrake efficiency. The balance was all wrong L>R and I really hadn't paid enough attention to lubrication and general set up. Fair cop guv!!

I got my IAC at 2 pm and was at the DVLA by 4 pm and am waiting for an inspection (maybe/maybe not) appointment call tomorrow. I've got the guys name so he won't be avoiding me.

Stoneleigh on Monday is a distinct possibility, weather and DVLA permitting!!