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Making slow progress - Mistrale update!
JC - 10/9/06 at 08:36 PM

Got back in the workshop for the first time in ages this weekend. Ended up with 1 wheel on my wagon! Front all tacked up ready for suspension mounts, one side of the rear suspension is on, the other is made and ready to go on. Just need to re-drill the brackets to the right size. More info and photos on my blog!

Question. Is there an 'easy' way to mate a modern Ford steering column, which bolts onto a triangular shaft, onto an Escort mk2 rack with a splined shaft? Rescued attachment HPIM0539.jpg
Rescued attachment HPIM0539.jpg

StevieB - 10/9/06 at 08:43 PM

An interesting looking project!

Do you have any designs for the end product?

JC - 10/9/06 at 08:47 PM

There is a photo in my archive, not sure if it works though! Else, search for my posts or check my blog/website. Thanks for the interest!


StevieB - 10/9/06 at 08:58 PM

I like the concept!

I've thought a lot about doing something like this, but ultimately don't have the expertise not the facilities (just the desire to be different!)

Good effort!

dl_peabody - 10/9/06 at 09:04 PM

Very Cool JC!!!
Nice to see progress made in the garage.

the_fbi - 10/9/06 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by JC
Question. Is there an 'easy' way to mate a modern Ford steering column, which bolts onto a triangular shaft, onto an Escort mk2 rack with a splined shaft?

Normally you just bolt a _/_ shape over the triangle so the flat side of the triangle is onto the fixed part of the splined adaptor.

Makes sense in my head anyway, just can't find a pic.

Kissy - 11/9/06 at 08:26 AM

That sounds dodgy (bodged) fbi. I made up shafts using the splined section from Montegos/Maestros. The u/j's are readily available.

Peteff - 11/9/06 at 08:36 AM

The downlink from a Sierra has a triangular uj at one end and a splined uj that fits the Escort rack at the other, is that what you mean?

sgraber - 11/9/06 at 05:06 PM

JC - no answer to your question, but a comment that I am really pleased to see your plans taking shape! It's gonna be great!

PS - Don't bodge it together. It's too neat of a project to do that.

FUORISERIE - 11/9/06 at 07:21 PM

JC- I've been following your project for quite some time and it looks really nice.

Looking forward to your finished car.
Are you thinking of selling this car as a Locost mid-engine kit in the future?

I'm working on something similar, but unfortunately I'm way behind..... it's still on paper, just a few renderings......

Maybe we could mate the two?



[Edited on 11/9/06 by FUORISERIE]

JC - 11/9/06 at 07:57 PM

Thanks for the feedback.

Kissy - I have the column from the 'original' Rover 416 donor, that fits nicely so I could adapt that or use it whole, I was hoping to use the Fiesta switchery though!

Peteff - the sierra link sounds like what I might need, I will search the local scrappy unless anyone has a photo!

Sgraber - thanks for the kind words. At the risk of sounding obsequious (?!?!?) your project is awesome!

Fuoriserie - It may become a kit one day, depending on demand. A long way off at this rate of progress though!!!!

djsmith1000 - 2/11/06 at 01:49 AM

Very nice! I am considering a build like this, BEC though. What kind of torsional stiffness do you expect from the finished chassis?

JC - 2/11/06 at 11:01 AM


I'm afraid I don't have access to any clever FES software, or the ability to use it! The chassis was designed the old fashioned way - by building a model and twisting it! Several experienced auto engineers cast an eye over it and pronounced it 'sound' - good enough for me! Glad you like it though.


grantmac - 3/11/06 at 12:56 PM

I'm sure you could talk someone into doing an FEA on this if you have the design in some sort of CAD program.
I really like the looks of it as I've said in the past.

Doug68 - 4/11/06 at 03:56 AM

If someone draws it up single line in DXF format I'd be happy to give it a go in Framework.

If you are game just draw each tube as a single line that stops at each weld.

i.e. a tube with another tube welded to the middle of it is 2 lines.

All the lines need to come together properly at the vertexes or they will be disconnected.


JC - 7/11/06 at 08:01 PM

Thank you for your kind offer. A friend started modelling my chassis in a CAD programme a while ago - I will check his progress and find out what he can output in.

JoelP - 7/11/06 at 08:33 PM

i would expect the stiffness results to be excellent. The chassis uses good simple lines that work well, much more direct than a locost chassis.

I saw your photo and thought 'i bet thats that little rollerskate like car from ages ago', and there it was in your archive! Good to know the idea is coming together.

JC - 9/11/06 at 07:55 PM

Thanks Joel!
CAD model is incomplete - will post here when it is finished (don't hold your breath though!).
Here is the latest progress with the real thing - tunnel cut out and laid in place. Rescued attachment HPIM0632.jpg
Rescued attachment HPIM0632.jpg