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SVA rally car? A bit OT
macdave69 - 27/11/07 at 04:17 PM

Looking towards another project, I was considering rear wheel drive converting a Fiesta for road rally / trackday / work car use.

As the car would have to retain its' original silhouette, will be using the original engine (albeit north / south) and the only real alteration would be a transmission tunnel, rear suspension and a rear diff, would this constitute "radically altered" and require an SVA. If it did then it would end up q plated and a lot of extra cost, that I would have to consider before the build

Your thoughts gentlemen please

speedyxjs - 27/11/07 at 04:21 PM

Im almost certain you dont need SVA

matt_claydon - 27/11/07 at 04:31 PM

We had this discussion last week!

The key words are 'modified chassis', indicating you would need SVA. I suspect it's a bit of a grey area though in terms of how much modification is too much. I guess you really need to talk to you local DVLA office as it's them who would make the decision.

Howlor - 27/11/07 at 04:34 PM

You look at the number of hot rods on the road. These have serious mods and no SVA. No one seems to pull them up.


Danozeman - 27/11/07 at 04:46 PM


These have serious mods and no SVA. No one seems to pull them up.

They are making/trying to make that happen.