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Chassi number finally hopefully
bob - 17/10/03 at 04:54 PM

After a lot of backwards and forwards and being told my local VRO was one place and then another finally phoned swansea and they told me what to do

Write letter to the office they said is my local one and then wait for them to issue me with number and tell me where i should get it stamped.

speedthing - 17/10/03 at 05:15 PM

i would phone them my vro told me that
i would not get a chassis number until
thay looked over the car to check that it
was safe and then thay would give me the
chassis number and i can drive it to vro
office and thay also told me that i dont need an mot for 3 years

bob - 17/10/03 at 05:41 PM

It is very confusing as robn hood owners make up there own chassis number,well that sin nottingham.

It seems there is a lack of consistant rules on this issue,i wont hold my breath on this one.

speedthing - 17/10/03 at 05:50 PM

my vro office told me that i can make
my own number up but then i could
end up with 2 chassis numbers when
i get it sva'd so it was better for them
to give me the chassis number?

theconrodkid - 17/10/03 at 06:27 PM

speedthing,thats the exact opposite of what happens if you contact stanmore vro,who is more confused ,us or them?

speedthing - 17/10/03 at 07:01 PM

beats the crap out of me

[Edited on 17/10/03 by speedthing]

Surrey Dave - 17/10/03 at 08:22 PM


When I registered mine, they wanted me to drive it to wimbledon so they could inspect it.

It wasn't finished so I had to wait for an engineer to come and have a look.

He said I could not make up my own chassis number, and I would have to wait to get one issued, although he took a note of the one I had made up.

Many weeks and telephone calls passed before my chassis number arrived.

I stamped it on the chassis, and booked my SVA test (Mitcham).

After the SVA I went to Wimbledon to register the car, they said my log book would arrive in about three weeks.

When my log book arrived it had the chassis number I had made up myself on it( F*** Me I said!!!!!)

So I put that number on the car as well as the SVA number.

I did not have to MOT the car before or after the SVA , but I did need an MOT after 6 months 'cos I only put a 6 month tax disc on it, had I taxed it for 12 months I would have needed an MOT at that time.

The only time you would not have to have an MOT for 3 years is if the car was built from entirely new parts.

My blood pressure never was the same again and the whole task of dealing with these beaurocratic TWATS, soured the pleasure of building the car.

But I'm over it now!!!!!!!!!!!, NOT!!!! ,, F***ing Stupid B*****d's....................................

HOPEFULLY FOR YOU GUY'S FOLLOWING ON THEY HAVE LEARNT THE PROCESS..............................................

DaveFJ - 17/10/03 at 09:14 PM

SVA rules have recently changed. You no longer need aMOT for the first 3 years, even when an age related plate is issued.

Surrey Dave - 17/10/03 at 09:27 PM

Sounds good , I just hope the ' Post Office' knows about it when you want to get a tax disc..............

theconrodkid - 17/10/03 at 09:44 PM

corse they wont

DaveFJ - 18/10/03 at 08:05 AM

It actually says on your road tax form wether an MOT cert is required. It also states date of manufacture as current even though it is on an age related plate..

Wierd but true - and very confusing...

Of course they will have changed the rules again by the time I finish building..

[Edited on 18/10/03 by protofj]

Spyderman - 18/10/03 at 12:06 PM

Originally posted by protofj
It actually says on your road tax form wether an MOT cert is required. It also states date of manufacture as current even though it is on an age related plate..

Wierd but true - and very confusing...

Of course they will have changed the rules again by the time I finish building..

[Edited on 18/10/03 by protofj]

Yup, just as soon as they realise they can get a bit more revenue from us they will.

ChrisW - 18/10/03 at 01:09 PM

It also states date of manufacture as current even though it is on an age related plate..

So does that mean you can then go out and buy a newer registration for your car?


Viper - 18/10/03 at 04:58 PM

My Tiger supplied chassis came witha chassis number
but then that is Tiger so it probably doesn't count for anything..

bob - 27/10/03 at 07:37 PM


Nothing in the poststill waiting

JoelP - 27/10/03 at 07:47 PM

dont hold your breath for buracracy (sp?), i've been waiting for a tax statement for 2 months when they said two weeks... was needed for the damn mortgage but talked them round it...

bob - 30/10/03 at 08:25 AM

And now the posties are doing strikes all over the place.

I'll give them a bit more time and then i'll TRY and phone them again

bob - 5/11/03 at 11:07 AM

I telephoned again,this time managed to get through to call centre.
They in turn contacted Wimbledon VRO and they then called me,asked a few Q's said i would get an age related plate and some forms would be sent in the post.

That was tues 4th nov and this morning 5th nov postie poppped the forms through my letterbox,more forms than i need though but hey i'm not moaning.

Sent form and V5 + chassis reciept back to them this morning,watch this space.

James - 6/11/03 at 03:10 PM

Does make you wonder if with a few creative receipts one could get a new registration!


Fozzie - 6/11/03 at 03:15 PM

What forms did you get? Wimbledon sent me V55/5 and V627/1.
The donor (escort) V5 is in my name. They said they didn't want the receipt for the chassis at this stage

ATB Fozzie

bob - 6/11/03 at 07:50 PM

Yep i got them too,i only sent back V627/1 my V5 and a chassis reciept.

I couldnt fill the V55/5 in as i dont know the chassis number

Fozzie - 6/11/03 at 10:34 PM

Oh Bugger!!
The guy I spoke to said he didn't want my V5 yet! As far as the V55/5 went, he said fill in what you can, and obviously leave the chassis bit blank (his words), as when he sends the chassis number to me and I get it done, 'garaged stamped' and send that bit back, he will return my V55/5 to me, so I can complete it when the SVA is finally done! Oooooer missus
sounds very illogical to me, and what a waste of time! Still, should be interesting! What a palaver!
ATB Fozzie

bob - 6/11/03 at 10:56 PM


If he'd said fill in what you can i would have,i did think it was a bit strange as a note with the V55/5 said fill the form in full.

Never mind it will all come out in the wash, i hope

bob - 19/11/03 at 07:26 PM

Made a couple of phone calls this week as i'm now pretty pissed off.

Call centre said thay would get wimbledon VRO to contact me,and that i should have had number by now.

This was monday and again tues morn

tap tap tap

still waiting

angry of ashford

Surrey Dave - 20/11/03 at 12:15 AM

I must bring your attention back to my post earlier on in this thread, something like ' my blood pressure has never been the same , stupid f+++++g , ba++++ds

Your's demented of Merstham.........

bob - 20/11/03 at 08:30 PM

Right then,my nemesis at bimbledon VRO phoned today while nobody was in(dont you just hate that)

Anyhow,freshly part filled in V55/5 going by post tomorow morn.

I'll keep you all posted

bob - 26/11/03 at 07:11 PM

Tuesday morning straight through the letterbox and onto the mat,one letter from wimbledon VRO containing piece of paper with new chassis number on.

Dont know what all the fuss was about really

Surrey Dave - 26/11/03 at 08:32 PM

Groovy !

See you on the 7th then?