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escort uprights?
bigfoot4616 - 24/11/08 at 11:25 PM

mine is a mkIII striker which apparently had outboard front suspension originally using chevette uprights. at some point it has been changed to the inboard setup of the mkII.
is this an escort upright? it looks different to a pic i found on here that was meant to be of an escort.

also trying to find out what the upper and lower balljoints are from


MikeR - 24/11/08 at 11:32 PM

looks like escort with mcpherson cut off and insert welded in (as was the practice) to me.

thepest - 25/11/08 at 03:08 AM

yep looks about right, its an escort mk2

short track 123 - 25/11/08 at 05:49 AM

Anther vote for escort and the top ball joint looks to be a metro one.


MikeRJ - 25/11/08 at 11:45 AM

It's a chopped down escort strut, and it's the later design that takes the Metro balljoint. The earlier ones had a different type of balljoint mounted in the upper suspension arm (I think from a Vauxhall Viva).

I haven't got a clue what the lower wishbone balljoint is from, mine uses standard escort lower arms which have the balljoint built into them.

simoto - 25/11/08 at 11:54 AM

As above the set up is exactly the same as mine which was purchased new in 2000. The top is a metro and i believe the lower to be a sherpa one(!)
Hope this helps.

yellow melos - 25/11/08 at 12:36 PM

Looks like a MK1 escort to me.

if it is then they will be imperial sizes, if they are Mk2 escort then they will be metric.

Don't know if this will affect the taper on the ball joints or just the screw thread.

simoto - 25/11/08 at 04:59 PM

Originally posted by simoto
As above the set up is exactly the same as mine which was purchased new in 2000. The top is a metro and i believe the lower to be a sherpa one(!)
Hope this helps.

Mine has cast in arms on closer inspection so i was incorrect about the uprights(mine are escort 2). My lower wishbone/ball joint does appear very similiar however, it is certainly a sherpa one according to mel at raw.
Sorry for inaccurate first post.

bigfoot4616 - 25/11/08 at 07:51 PM

Originally posted by simoto

Mine has cast in arms on closer inspection so i was incorrect about the uprights(mine are escort 2).

when you say "cast in arms" do you mean the bit for the steering to bolt to? which is bolted on on mine.

cheers for the replies