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How to stop disc corroson?
goodguydrew - 31/1/11 at 10:28 PM

How can I stop my brake discs from corroding durong the build, while there on the car. My garage is a little damp.

Davegtst - 31/1/11 at 10:33 PM

I've sprayed mine with high temp silver paint. The first time you stop the paint will be worn off but the rest on the back, bell and edge should stay on making it look alot better. Thats my theory anyway.

daviep - 31/1/11 at 10:38 PM

Don't worry about it, mine spent about 6 years in a damp garage , cleaned up fine on the first blat up the road

goodguydrew - 31/1/11 at 10:38 PM

Good idea. Any others?

ReMan - 31/1/11 at 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Davegtst
I've sprayed mine with high temp silver paint. The first time you stop the paint will be worn off but the rest on the back, bell and edge should stay on making it look alot better. Thats my theory anyway.

Worked for me

britishtrident - 1/2/11 at 06:58 AM

Light mist coat with Zinc rich primer ---- really light coat as you want it easy to remove with abrasive when you put the car on the road.