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Fabricated Rear Upright
liam.mccaffrey - 19/8/13 at 10:25 PM

I was planning to use my donor (mgzr) front uprights at the rear of my middy. I'm thinking that I might be better off building a simpler more compact upright with better pickup locations.

Anyone done this before and has any tips?

britishtrident - 20/8/13 at 06:30 AM

No need to fabricate

MGF or TF 1da
Wheel PCD is different istr 97mm which works out the same as old Triumphs nb not the same as the Metro

rdodger - 20/8/13 at 08:36 AM

MGF/TF is 95.25cm pcd and IS the same as the Metro/Rover 100. The PCD would be different to the MGZR which is 4x100.

More info here.

MX5 rear upright might be an option that has 100 pcd.

[Edited on 20/8/13 by rdodger]

umgrybab - 20/8/13 at 12:06 PM

I've done machined aluminium billet, el-cheapo welded box section, and boxed welded plate. The billet was by far the lightest but the most expensive and the welded box section was the heaviest with the most deflection. If you're going to weld, don't weld too deep, or make sure your machined central bearing holder is thick enough as heat deflection can make it impossible to get the bearings in.