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procomp protech double adjustables?
daniel mason - 23/2/14 at 10:38 PM

ive got some protech double adjustables on the radical,supplied and valved in matched pairs by procomp.
they have 13 click adjustment on both bump and rebound,but just wondered how many of the clicks are useable?
the old avo's i had were 24 click adjustment but were set to 4 clicks front 4 clicks rear from fully soft as the other settings were too hard! also what effects will stiffening up the rebound damping have? cheers

[Edited on 23/2/14 by daniel mason]

Ben_Copeland - 24/2/14 at 09:12 AM

If procomp have revalved them, then they should be usable all the way through the range... thats why they are good at what they do !

umgrybab - 24/2/14 at 01:15 PM

Stiffening up the rebound damping past the ideal point will obviously cause overdamping on rebound, but what this means is that after the suspension has been displaced from going over a bump and the gound has then smoother or dropped down, the wheel may not be able to keep up or drop fast enough causing a slight lift off of the tyre relative to the road.
If you consider hitting a bump while going around a corner, this could cause slight understeer as the wheel has not returned with full force to the road.
If you consider an extreme case where you are hitting washboard type bumps around a corner, the wheel may not have returned before you hit the next one causing the suspension to displace further on the next bump and so on which lowers the cars position but preloads the suspension further causing the ride to be rougher and the wheel to be more likely to understeer due to the increased suspension forces and the tyre having to do most of the bump absorbing.

amalyos - 24/2/14 at 01:23 PM

With double adjustables, the best way to set them up is with the bump first. Set it to the type of ride you like, soft or bone shaking.
Once your happy with the ride, you need to use the rebound to get the car handling correctly. The picture attached shows how to use the rebound to change the handling of the car, in combination with all the other contributors.

You shouldn't need to touch the bump to change the handling, just the rebound. Of course, when it gets wet then you have to change it all again

Suspension set up
Suspension set up

adithorp - 24/2/14 at 11:34 PM

Originally posted by amalyos
With double adjustables, the best way to set them up is with the bump first. Set it to the type of ride you like, soft or bone shaking.
Once your happy with the ride, you need to use the rebound to get the car handling correctly. The picture attached shows how to use the rebound to change the handling of the car, in combination with all the other contributors.

You shouldn't need to touch the bump to change the handling, just the rebound. Of course, when it gets wet then you have to change it all again

Suspension set up
Suspension set up

Is there a missing question in that chart? On the oversteer side, after low/mid speed - bottom out - no... then it goes to yes or no again without a Q.

daniel mason - 25/2/14 at 07:09 AM

and it says stiffen front spring rate on 3 boxes in a row!

amalyos - 25/2/14 at 08:10 AM

Your both right, well spotted, try these ones

