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TYRE Choice
cm - 17/1/07 at 01:03 PM

Hi All,

I am after a set of 4 tyres to go on ford 13" wheels. I was tempted with the prospect of semi slick tyres (Road Leal)?

Does anyone know where I can get hold of these at a reasonable price? Alternatively any opinions of which 13" tyre to go for, road and track tyre.


Wadders - 17/1/07 at 01:11 PM

Toyo 888's can be had for reasonable money.

Originally posted by cm
Hi All,

I am after a set of 4 tyres to go on ford 13" wheels. I was tempted with the prospect of semi slick tyres (Road Leal)?

Does anyone know where I can get hold of these at a reasonable price? Alternatively any opinions of which 13" tyre to go for, road and track tyre.


procomp - 17/1/07 at 01:15 PM

Hi for road legal semi slick there is the toyo 888 yokohama A048 in various compounds avon ACB10's.

Price wise the toyo and yoko are roughly about £50-£60 But the avons are nearer the £100. but more available s/h for £20-£30 from various racers that have done one race so there is ussuly plenty of life in them left but obviously you will be changing them more often so cost involved there bringing the back the balance of new toyo or yoko.

You will also hear various reports like these are crap and thoes are best but to be honest all three for road / trackday use will be fine Except posibbly SVA where there have been some reports of them not having the right markings on them.

cheers matt

chockymonster - 17/1/07 at 01:18 PM

Originally posted by procomp
Except posibbly SVA where there have been some reports of them not having the right markings on them.

cheers matt

I went through SVA with R888s on the rear, A048s on the front. Nothing mentioned at all, but then he didn't drive my car to make sure it self centered either!

MikeR - 17/1/07 at 01:28 PM

Technically the Avon's need a slightly different setup (camber / castor etc) due to them being crossply & i haven't read reports in ages but historically the avon's had the best dry grip.

can't remember which tyre was any good in the wet but i think the avon was poor.

(this info is all based on reading forums so could be complete cods-wollop.)

procomp - 17/1/07 at 02:05 PM

Hi yep all three tyres utimatly need slight different setups.

The avon depending on which compound is ussually better in the dry as said but also as said not as good in the wet.

when racing with avons you are allowed a wet weather tyre.

when racing with yoko's you ussually do not swap to a wet weather tyre . Depending on the regs for the championship.

cheers matt

zoom - 17/1/07 at 04:55 PM

Try etyres
just tap in what size/type you want

Coose - 17/1/07 at 06:00 PM

Originally posted by zoom
Try etyres
just tap in what size/type you want

HAHAHAHA! £94.50 for 48s in 185/60 - 13. What planet are they on?

Try C&S Tyres in Middlesbrough or Polley for decent prices.....

cm - 17/1/07 at 10:32 PM

So what profile would be best in your opinion?

Coose - 18/1/07 at 08:58 AM

I have 185/60s on 6" rims on the front, and 205/60s on 7" rims on the rear. I'm using Yoky 21s at the mo', but I'm going to try R888s next....

ibakes - 19/1/07 at 09:31 AM

another vote for Toyor888