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sierra recaros?
stu da rude - 28/10/05 at 07:55 PM

Does anyone know if the recaros fitted to rs sierras and such fit into an indy? just wondered if they were a bit wide?

piddy - 28/10/05 at 07:57 PM

I dont know for sure but I would say there way to wide.

john_p_b - 28/10/05 at 08:03 PM

not a chance.

the recaros in my saph are a lot wider than the GRP seats in my indy.

plus you'd have a lot of problems with the height of the base fitting a standard road car into a indy.

stu da rude - 28/10/05 at 08:13 PM

figured as much... am wondering now if im gonna fit in one! remember the recaros being really comfy, whilst still being 'hugging', im gonna have to try a 7 methinks...

scotty g - 29/10/05 at 08:18 AM

Don't know how big you are but if a 7 is a bit "cramped" you might want to consider the +4 version (4 inches wider), more and more people are taking this route now.

john_p_b - 29/10/05 at 09:21 AM

Originally posted by stu da rude
figured as much... am wondering now if im gonna fit in one! remember the recaros being really comfy, whilst still being 'hugging', im gonna have to try a 7 methinks...

i don't think you'd have a problem unless you're proper huge! my dad is roughly 17st and he fits in ok i'm just the wrong side of 15st and i have no problems at all.

there are also several different seats you can fit in a indy or what ever that give you as much or little room as you want.

chrisg - 30/10/05 at 01:39 PM

I have sierra cosworth recaros in my +4 Locost.

I had to remove all the adjuster and metalwork from the side and even then they're a tight fit.

They're very comfortable, but to my mind just a bit too big all round for the car - I'm looking for something else.

They wouldn't go in an indy.



[Edited on 30/10/05 by chrisg]

kevano - 30/10/05 at 04:46 PM

i'd recommend tritons offerings myself, you don't really want upholstered seats in your indy if you get caught out in the wet your seats'll be wet for ages and in my opinion they wouldn't really suit the look of the car(just my 2p's worth)

Marcus - 30/10/05 at 07:39 PM

I used Recaro seat bases in my locost - came out of my Manta.
Had to strip down and remove 1" section from the middle of passenger seat and 2" section from drivers seat. They're still THE most comfy seats I've used. 17 hrs non stop driving from Cannes to Calais (via Paris ) and still fresh as a daisy when we got there!


[Edited on 30/10/05 by Marcus]

stu da rude - 30/10/05 at 11:30 PM

thanks for the replies folks, im still unsure about the look myself, was just a pondering... i do like the look of the roadster 7 jobbies more and more anyway... good point about getting wet kevano, never thought about that! just curious as to how comfy the triton seats are? could you drive around for a good afternoon and not feel like you've been dragged along on the back of a spade afterwards?!
Marcus, do you mean you used just the base and not the backs? what did u use?

Marcus - 1/11/05 at 08:12 AM

Used just the bases. For the backs I used Cavalier SRi rear seats - same material!
