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mickebo - 23/12/04 at 11:06 PM

January 12 I will arrive at Faversham!
I´ve travelled many hours from Sweden by van and ferry.....

So Darren, a Guinness would taste great!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!!!


ned - 13/1/05 at 01:59 PM

So did all go according to plan yesterday then? get home ok? Darren have your guiness waiting?


JohanP - 13/1/05 at 03:40 PM

I got a text message from Mickebo yesterday. He had arrived to Faversham and was sitting in the pub. So I think everything went according to plan

He will return to Sweden on the 16th. And I'll be there to meet him and collect my missing parts so I can get on with my GTS build!


mickebo - 19/2/05 at 01:11 AM

We saw Aeon and their "cropsprayers"
Impressive! Autosport in Birmingham!
And Darrens workshop. We checked bars,and dealers (ferrrari) in Cheltenham
We had a really good time!!!!
Inspite you´re driving on the wrong side...
Coming back we are.

JoelP - 19/2/05 at 08:18 AM

Originally posted by mickebo
We checked bars,and dealers (crack) in Cheltenham
We had a really good time!!!!

come on now, thats a terrible habit! surely theres better things to do in england that smoke rocks?!

TimC - 21/2/05 at 08:04 PM

Q U A L I T Y !

Had terrible day - that's the first time I've smiled since 5.30am - Cheers!