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Dynojet Wide Band Commander
GreigM - 8/2/15 at 09:11 AM

Bought this to save on the rolling road fees and get a realistic map but never got round to using it. Bloke I got it from used it once so its in great condition. Full kit - gauge, controller, wide band sensor, software.

£115 delivered.

Norfolkluegojnr - 8/2/15 at 10:01 AM

Presume this would work on any engine / intake config?

Not specific to bike engines?

If so u2u on its way.

GreigM - 8/2/15 at 12:20 PM

Nope, not specific to any engine or intake

Norfolkluegojnr - 8/2/15 at 02:14 PM

Excellent. U2u sent.

GreigM - 8/2/15 at 03:16 PM
