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flip car
Hopley89 - 25/6/13 at 09:57 PM

hi all iv watched the new fast and fuiours movie .. i dont no if many people on hear have but there is a new car on there called a flip car ...
omg its amazing . i would love to build one how hard do you think it is ?? p-car-from-fast-and-furious-6-attacks-459950003&usg=__ti97oF6aEf9V086qpPpSFX6rxqk=&h=360&w=640&sz=134&hl=en&start=2&zoom=1 &tbnid=P73fHWf7Zqjg8M:&tbnh=77&tbnw=137&ei=sw_KUbX-K-eV0AX8yIC4DQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dflip%2Bcar%26sa%3DX%26rlz%3D1T4ACAW_enGB418GB 424%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divns&itbs=1&sa=X&ved=0CC4QrQMwAQ

scootz - 25/6/13 at 10:00 PM

Looks like a duck-billed shittypus to me!

Hopley89 - 25/6/13 at 10:04 PM

hydro rear wheel steering
3 seats
500bhp engine
looks brilliant couldnt ask for more

HowardB - 25/6/13 at 10:46 PM

there is some promo video on YT,.. there is some interesting footage of the flip car in this one, and reference to the other cars in the movie,..


Ben_Copeland - 26/6/13 at 06:22 AM

They built a pipe ramp on it to actually flip cars... so it doesnt really work

[Edited on 26/6/13 by Ben_Copeland]

jabs - 26/6/13 at 06:54 AM

Link didn't work so found this