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Zx12r intercooler
chris.russell - 16/7/05 at 07:52 PM

I am after an intercooler from a zx12r, looks like this:

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My last one was damaged when I collected the engine so the oil filter will not seal, let alone possible damage to the sandwich plates inside.

Have tried looking on ebay (only found one in America and the bloke will not ship to the UK:mad, and have tried breakers but they want silly money! Have even considered phoning Kawasaki but I did not win the lottery so I will have to wait.

Any help would be most gratefully recieved


chris.russell - 17/7/05 at 06:28 AM

some more pictures, sory about the quality, damned autofocus!
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bikkel - 17/7/05 at 07:05 AM

hi chris

its a oil-water-cooler( heat exchanger)
not an intercooler


chris.russell - 17/7/05 at 07:53 AM

thats true Koen, and how i first described it but according to the service manual its calls it an intercooler (I would prefer to call it a heat exchanger personally)

Peteff - 17/7/05 at 09:11 AM

If you haven't already, check if the ZX9R and ZX6R use the same part or one that you could use to replace it.

chris.russell - 17/7/05 at 09:50 AM

Wadders has offered to check if they are the same as the zx9 model, hopefully they will be but i am not holding my breath....

Arjan356 - 17/7/05 at 07:30 PM

Ask the Turner LMP autosports. The blew a ZX12 engine.

