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smart51 - 6/10/06 at 03:10 PM

over the last few weeks I have had several emails that are headed "mail undeliverable" or similar. I's not sending emails to these people.

Do I have a virus that is sending out emails?
(I have norton antivirus which says not)

Has someone cracked my account details and is sending them in my name?

Are these spam / infectious emails which have "mail undeliverable" titles to get past spam filters?

what do you think?

Jasper - 6/10/06 at 03:26 PM

I had these for a while, never got to the bottom of it - went away all by themselves ... not very helpful I know!

Peteff - 6/10/06 at 03:50 PM

If it's got an attachment with it which claims to be the undelivered message or the reason why it wasn't delivered, don't click on it. If it's not from your mail provider it's not been sent by you.

peterriley2 - 6/10/06 at 03:57 PM

yeah i get those, its just a con to get you to click on the attachment, dont bother even opening the message.

Catpuss - 6/10/06 at 06:29 PM

A few reasons for this. Sometimes its a virus on someone's PC that has your email addy on and then injects a random sent from address from that machine as it spams everyone.

Sometimes its just an addy harvested from newsgroups forums, sold my a company you bought on line from, taken from a company you bought on line from that has poor security.

Othertimes its the black helicopers sending out emails to see if you are in.

hobbsy - 6/10/06 at 08:23 PM

Yes I'm getting a lot of these recently. Its also more of a bummer because they are inserting crapping addresses like (where mydomain is really the actual domain I use for email)

And as I like to use give out say when dealing with Dabs to see if they've sold my address on and this list of email addresses is now huge (and I didn't write them all down) I can't now lock down my email forwarding to only forward the ones I want as I don't know which ones I want! ARGH!