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Tattoo's good or bad idea
focijohn - 15/12/08 at 08:07 PM

As per the title... considering getting one but im undecided because its so damn perminant.
But i want one and u only live once so i suppose if i find one that i like then..... I'm sure theres someone on here that has one or two.



SPYDER - 15/12/08 at 08:18 PM

Why not try these for starters then go for the real thing when you've finally made your mind up!

mr henderson - 15/12/08 at 08:29 PM

Be unusual, be different, go against the trend, don't be one of the crowd, don't get a tatoo


clairetoo - 15/12/08 at 10:05 PM

Tatoo's are `in` at the moment.............but thing's do go out of fashion - dont do it !

JoelP - 15/12/08 at 10:16 PM

be outrageous, get one in the middle of your face

Simon - 15/12/08 at 11:53 PM

Not for me, especially some of the crap ones I've seen, though some are quite good. I think subtelty is the order of the day if you must, imho of course.

My opinion shouldn't stop you getting one if you really want one though!




donut - 16/12/08 at 08:31 AM

A chap i worked with had Hagar the Horrible on his arm which was kinda cool.

If i were brave/stupid/younger i would have Homer Simpson's head on my arm.

Mr Whippy - 16/12/08 at 08:32 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
be outrageous, get one in the middle of your face

LOL Yeah!

Herself has some right cracking ones really huge and totally mad that she got when she was a rebellious teen. I quite like them, though she was terrified of showing me them when we first met I just said 'well that’s unusual...'

I'm saving up for just one

[Edited on 16/12/08 by Mr Whippy]

iank - 16/12/08 at 09:48 AM

Get something simple, and easily covered by a shirt.

Don't get names, initials or anything you might regret if life changes later on.

Peteff - 16/12/08 at 10:13 AM

It's best to wait till you're really drunk then go and get one on the spur of the moment. Get one of those Chinese characters so they can tell you what it really means when you go to the takeaway.

Some nice examples here

[Edited on 16/12/08 by Peteff]

cd.thomson - 16/12/08 at 10:37 AM

I have two Kanji (Jap symbols) one in the middle of my back between my shoulder blades, and one on the side of my left shoulder.

I cant help feeling that people almost take them too seriously, especially people who don't have them and a lot of people of consider it but then bottle it.

Its only as permanent as you are...which isnt very permanent in the scheme of things .

The only thing I would say is that visible tattoos tend to be worn by a particular kind of person, in the same way as a shaved head or soverign (sp?) rings. Its unfortunate but I'd avoid anything visible when wearing a T-shirt to avoid people judging you on what you have on your skin.

MikeR - 16/12/08 at 11:59 AM

Ex g/f got 3 tattoos on her back. She then got someone decent to sort them out as the first person messed them up.

10 years later she's been through nearly 3 years of very painful laser removal process. Having seen her post laser treatment i tried my best to convince her not to carry on.

She is now permanently scared - but the scaring is far less than the tattoos. She's nervous what will happen when she goes out in the sun as she expects the scaring to react very differently.

NB some of this may be due to the original tattooist not doing a good job.

15 years ago i thought of getting one, waited a year or two to make sure i wasn't doing it on a whim (i guess i was quite grown up for once). Realised that what I wanted two years before was actually totally naff despite thinking at the time it was totally cool. At that point i decided never to get a tattoo.

Bloke in the office got a tattoo when his brother died suddenly (high speed on a bike and a hgv pulling out of a side road tents to be quite sudden). He then paid twice as much to get someone else to sort it out as the colour was bleeding etc etc. Looked ok in the end but i felt for him - his tribute to his brother was bodged.

If you're going to do it, be absolutely sure & go only to the absolute best and pay through the nose for it.

Rod Ends - 16/12/08 at 05:59 PM

World's worst tattoos

martyn_16v - 16/12/08 at 08:12 PM


milson - 16/12/08 at 08:43 PM

i would say if you really want one go for it,but be warned they are addictive .I started with just 1 now i have them on my arms,legs,chest and a full back piece

02GF74 - 17/12/08 at 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy

Herself has some right cracking ones really huge and totally mad that she got when she was a rebellious teen. I quite like them, though she was terrified of showing me them when we first met I just said 'well that’s unusual...'

funnily enough, when Tom Jones' wife showed him hers, he said "It's not unusual".

I voted NO!

focijohn - 17/12/08 at 06:34 PM

Ive been considering it for about 5 years now but for some of the bits mentioned above ive put it off.
I wasnt going to go too mad just something small that could maybe covered if i went bigger. But however the 2 things that i have thought is that its either got to be literally a peice of art or secondly something that everytime i look at it i cry with laughter, and yes it will be somewhere out of view!

Edit:- and i also dont want something that seems to be common i.e. chinese writing, dragons etc, not a snipe at anyone just a personal preference.

[Edited on 17/12/08 by focijohn]

Mr Whippy - 18/12/08 at 07:31 AM

this is quite similar to what I was wanting, missy 'seems' to be alright with it, still more restrained than hers

cd.thomson - 18/12/08 at 08:51 AM

have to agree with the chinese writing comment despite having two myself.

I had them so I could write something meaningful on my body without every jackanory knowing what it meant!

*queue jokes that it says "three spring rolls" etc*

Just a quick thought on this thread: The smaller number of people who have tattoos when asked this question will either leave it up to the individual to decide, or be fairly impartial. In contrast, the majority of those without any body art will instantly fly off the handle with all the standard responses and say "you MUST not get one!"

.. I think this question will tend to generate an overall negative response, just via the demographics of the forum members.

andybod - 18/12/08 at 08:51 AM

i fancied having a tattoo done since i was about 18 finally found a design that i liked and was different when i was about 30 i was in benidorm at the time in a stinking pit of a tattoo studio so made my excuses and managed to blag a copy of the design (told them i was due to fly home) it then took me about another two years too gte it done 3 years later don't regret it at all and booked in to have another one done in january my advise would be make sure your happy with the design ,be different ,and make sure you find a good studio.

some good tattoo's at (N.W.S )
or search for tattoos on flickr

mistergrumpy - 18/12/08 at 10:35 AM


Just a quick thought on this thread: The smaller number of people who have tattoos when asked this question will either leave it up to the individual to decide, or be fairly impartial. In contrast, the majority of those without any body art will instantly fly off the handle with all the standard responses and say "you MUST not get one!"

That's very presumptuous. You presume that the majority of people on here do not have a tattoo and through that you presume that they hate the things. What about the people that don't have one but are in the phase of thinking about it? Surely they'd be pro tattoo.
Me personally I'm not bothered, it's your body do what you like. I think they look alright on some people, others they look absolutely dreadful. Take the thin, pale lad with the oversized dagger on his scrawny arm or the fat woman with a nice dolphin on her cankle! The only thing now that jumps out to me about them is their "brand" like qualities making the owner easily identifiable. So if you were ever going to rob a bank, remember that that spiders web tattoo covering your face might give it away

cd.thomson - 18/12/08 at 10:45 AM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy

Just a quick thought on this thread: The smaller number of people who have tattoos when asked this question will either leave it up to the individual to decide, or be fairly impartial. In contrast, the majority of those without any body art will instantly fly off the handle with all the standard responses and say "you MUST not get one!"

That's very presumptuous. You presume that the majority of people on here do not have a tattoo and through that you presume that they hate the things. What about the people that don't have one but are in the phase of thinking about it? Surely they'd be pro tattoo.
Me personally I'm not bothered, it's your body do what you like. I think they look alright on some people, others they look absolutely dreadful. Take the thin, pale lad with the oversized dagger on his scrawny arm or the fat woman with a nice dolphin on her cankle! The only thing now that jumps out to me about them is their "brand" like qualities making the owner easily identifiable. So if you were ever going to rob a bank, remember that that spiders web tattoo covering your face might give it away

Thats not what I meant to imply at all. I can draw the assumption that the majority of forum members dont have a tattoo as the those with tattoos are generally in the minority across any population.

The question "tattoos, good or bad?" will generally draw two responses, one from those without and one from those with a tattoo. The clear difference, however, is that those with a tattoo would never tell someone to definitely get one, whereas those without can justifiably list "definite" reasons why someone should not to get one.

Those without tattoos and who have no opinion on those with them are very unlikely to bother posting on the topic. Those without tattoos but trying to decide to get one are an even bigger minority.

Mr Whippy - 18/12/08 at 10:51 AM

yeah but is this not cool or what?!

cd.thomson - 18/12/08 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
yeah but is this not cool or what?!

Very very cool, Im after something similar if it get my wings in the RAF as a celebaration.

Mr Whippy - 18/12/08 at 11:35 AM

mr henderson - 18/12/08 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by cd.thomson
Thats not what I meant to imply at all. I can draw the assumption that the majority of forum members dont have a tattoo as the those with tattoos are generally in the minority across any population.

That,s not my observation at all. In most cases it's not a question of do you have a tatoo? but rather, where is it, what is it and how many.
Common as muck, in other words

Originally posted by cd.thomson

The question "tattoos, good or bad?" will generally draw two responses, one from those without and one from those with a tattoo. The clear difference, however, is that those with a tattoo would never tell someone to definitely get one, whereas those without can justifiably list "definite" reasons why someone should not to get one.

The problem with tatoos is that there is no going back. Once a person decides to copy their friends and mark their skin with a tatoo then that mark is there as long as they live, unless they pay for expensive and only partially successful removal.


cd.thomson - 18/12/08 at 01:41 PM

I think the idea I'm trying to get across is that for some its "just a tattoo", for others its a lifelong and serious commitment.

The difference in perception boils down to the individual. I care as much if someone has an accidental scar as if they have a purposefully created tattoo, the only difference in my eyes is tattoos tend to be more artistic.

For others, such as yourself Mr Henderson, a tattoo is a highly significant and unnecessary marking which implies a great deal about the individual who carries it.

On a side note none of my friends have had anything done, so I don't think it was down to peer pressure, and also I've not met a single person who wasn't surprised when I told them I have a tattoo.

02GF74 - 18/12/08 at 01:58 PM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy

the fat woman with a nice dolphin on her cankle!

not heard it called that before!!

mr henderson - 18/12/08 at 01:58 PM

Originally posted by cd.thomson

For others, such as yourself Mr Henderson, a tattoo is a highly significant and unnecessary marking which implies a great deal about the individual who carries it.


cd.thomson - 18/12/08 at 02:13 PM

Originally posted by mr henderson

wish id kept it a secret now that I've been judged.

Same reaction as my dad actually!

mistergrumpy - 18/12/08 at 04:16 PM

Never heard of a cankle? It's when the ankle is indefinable from the calf "a cankle".
A quick click to Urban Dictionary and here's what appears:

Image deleted by owner

Thus proving my point nicely

eznfrank - 18/12/08 at 06:07 PM

I have two tattoos and I'm actually booked in for a third in vegas next week

I would say if you have to ask "the question" then you are probably not 100% convinced and thus surely the answer should be no. I agree with the above comments about not being "on show" all the time, for example I would love a full sleve doing but just couldn't in my line of work.

Tattoo's are usually for "you" and in my simplistic view if you like it then who gives a crap what anyone else thinks, especially randoms in the street who don't know you from Adam. people always say "what about when you get old", well, what about it?? I'll be old and if I don't like it any more i'll either put up with it or do something about it but unless it's in the middle of my face I don't think it's going to cause me any particular concern.

Rod Ends - 18/12/08 at 06:50 PM

When David Blunkett was Home Secretary he wanted all criminals to be tattooed.

His head civil servant told him: "Sir, they already are!"

focijohn - 18/12/08 at 08:45 PM

Originally posted by eznfrank

I would say if you have to ask "the question" then you are probably not 100% convinced and thus surely the answer should be no. .

I think its more that i havnt found something or thought of anything that i would like to "brand" myself with.
As for being juged i couldnt care, if you like me you do if you dont thats your problem. At the end of the day is it not any different to having a percing??? ok its far more permiant but its just another way of enhancing (used loosely) your body.
Ive always wondered what ppl think when they see someone with a skin head, tattoos etc. Personally i dont judge i've met them or they have opened their mouths, but thats me.

I quite fancy a 3D one but i can imagine them being serious money.
Where is the most painfull place to have one?? i was thinking maybe my back?

cd.thomson - 18/12/08 at 09:21 PM

the fleshier the area the less it hurts. The one on my shoulder didn't "hurt" at all, was just a discomfort.

As the one on my back traverses over my spine there were a few *ouch* faces.

I imagine bottom of your foot would be the worst place, just in case you decided to get one there!

A1 - 18/12/08 at 10:15 PM

i was going to get one, but decided that id only want a really good one, so it would cost too much...if theres something you really like, wait for a year and see if you still like it, then get it...