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Pic Request - Fly Screen (Mac#1) + MK Indy
karlak - 24/1/10 at 08:56 PM

Has anyone got any pictures (hopefully fairly close up) of a MAC#1 Flyscreen on an MK.

Mine currently has a rather low, homemade perspex screen. The screen is attached to a "lip" on the Mk Indy Scuttle - Not sure if they are all like this ?

[Edited on 24/1/10 by karlak]

jos - 24/1/10 at 09:16 PM

have a look at my website

there are some pictures of mine on there when it had the MAC#1 sports screen on it

jos - 24/1/10 at 09:18 PM

or maybe even

Angus180 - 24/1/10 at 09:33 PM

ive got a perspex screen if want it. its only gethering dust

karlak - 24/1/10 at 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Angus180
ive got a perspex screen if want it. its only gethering dust

Jos; Thank you for the pics .

Angus; Is yours the MAC#1 screen ? I quite like the slightly curved edges - which hopefully would save some of the windblast that I get from my current skinnier screen

nick205 - 24/1/10 at 10:13 PM

Several photos in my archive under the "Indy For Sale" folder.

Mac#1 screen fits well and looks good IMHO and is good value.