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So you think you can panel beat and weld!
ceebmoj - 27/9/06 at 08:03 AM

Need to get a Thia bride so you can get her brother over to do some welding!

Hand made floor panel and fuel tank are amazing…

Agriv8 - 27/9/06 at 08:09 AM

Now that is impresive

time and patience involved amazing.



nick205 - 27/9/06 at 08:12 AM


graememk - 27/9/06 at 08:12 AM

wow, love the fact hes doing all that but cant afford shoes

Peteff - 27/9/06 at 09:10 AM

There was a Pakistani who did some part time welding when my mate had his trucks and he would make anything from old washing machine panels, wheelarches, headlamp panels and wing sections. He'd just sit and beat them into shape with the ball end of a hammer on a sandbag and they always fitted better than the ones you could buy.

Dusty - 27/9/06 at 10:58 AM

OK. shoes off and holding it with my feet is the way to go.
Once in a while you come across people with pure magic in their hands (and feet) who make sheet steel behave like plasticine. Amazing.

NS Dev - 27/9/06 at 11:03 AM

ahh brings back memories!!!

Making the ribs for opel manta battery trays using a ball pein hammer and a vice and wood.

Anybody who has owned a rarer car with none of the more unusual panels available will be familiar with those jobs.

Last time I counted I was on 7 mantas. You wouldn't want to see the welding on my first one but the last few have been "as original"

did a full front re-chassis on my brother's Manta I200 3 years ago, one of 14 RHD ones left in existence now so had to be done really.....that was a BIG job!

Took it to get it tracked up etc and it was on to within 15 minutes on all front end angles, was happy with that! (fluke actually but hey!)

DarrenW - 27/9/06 at 12:01 PM

Im speechless, unbloodybelievable.

RazMan - 27/9/06 at 12:09 PM

Even more amazing is the fact that he seems to have done most of the work without a workbench and sitting on the floor.
Is it me or do all Asian & Eastern types prefer to squat than sit in a chair?

dl_peabody - 27/9/06 at 03:25 PM

Amazing patience and craftmanship...with two or three guys like that you could start something BIG.

viatron - 27/9/06 at 04:49 PM

when i worked in the middle east all the fabricators we employed were either indian or philipino and as already stated they could make perfect repro panels from a pattern out of scrap sheet and nothing but a hammer and bolster, and quickly too! If you ever get to india try and get around the car market wherever you are and you will see them making parts from scrap that in the rest of the world would condemn a car to an early grave, guess its true that necessaty really is the mother of invention!!

ceebmoj - 27/9/06 at 06:49 PM

it realy is amasing but with skils like that you have to as youer self why he does noy just rake running gear and build whole new shell.

Danozeman - 28/9/06 at 03:26 PM

Thats is some excellent craftsmanship.

I cant believe this though.

Ud have though they could knock up some shoes....

soggy 3 - 28/9/06 at 05:23 PM

Seen something similar on discovery wings the other day i think it was called bangala bangers.