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Advice wanted:- Has anyone done / used one of the D.I.Y air-con refill kits
Steve Hignett - 17/8/10 at 09:53 PM

Hi all,

As above, I know it's not a huge amount of money to get it refilled at Halfords etc, but it'smoney I can't justify at the moment to be honest!

So, has anyone used the refill kits (For e.g. on ebay) and if so did they work or was it a waste of money?

Cheers in advance,


Oh, it's for a 2001 BMW 320d SE

[Edited on 17/8/10 by Steve Hignett]

mookaloid - 17/8/10 at 09:59 PM

Tried it on 3 cars and I have now realised that usually the car has lost its gas for a reason.............. which isn't fixed by a tin of gas from ebay

So my advice - which I will be following myself in future - is to take it to someone who will identify the fault which has caused the gas to escape in the first place and then get them to fill it once the fault is fixed.

jlparsons - 17/8/10 at 10:01 PM

I was trying to buy one recently, I heard legislation has recently changed to make them effectively illegal to sell. I know that if you attach them to the wrong side of the compressor (the high pressure side) they'll take your face off. I've also heard that getting the wrong mix of refrigerant and oil can shorten the life of the system.

Having said that, a lot of folk have also said it's easy to do with half a brain and fine for a top up!

iceman26 - 17/8/10 at 10:02 PM

do you have a licence to use or handle that bottle of gas

stevebubs - 17/8/10 at 10:05 PM

find a decent specialist....

Dad had his 323 regassed a few years ago. Before the specialist would give him a full top up, they insisted on just adding a little, testing it and then waiting a week or 2 to see if the effectiveness decreased over didn't, so they gave him a full top up and took off the cost of the partial one...

austin man - 17/8/10 at 10:07 PM

I used one of the Halford one with a sealant in it filled it last year and its still spot on. Previously I had it filled by a Halfords staff member and it lasted 6 months

UncleFista - 17/8/10 at 10:07 PM

They're illegal to sell in the UK since April 1st.
Give Halfords a ring and tell 'em you've seen the recharge offered at half price (usually £50) if it's a bit slow they'll do it for £25.
At least they did for me and a couple of friends...

RazMan - 17/8/10 at 10:20 PM

Kwik Fit [shudder] did my Soarer for £50 last year and that included a thorough test of the whole system - gotta be better than a tin of gas and a gamble

Benzine - 17/8/10 at 10:23 PM

Have you tried 4 x 60 air con? V locost ^_^

[Edited on 17/8/10 by Benzine]

splitrivet - 17/8/10 at 11:41 PM

If the systems full of air it'll want vacuum pump on it otherwise your wasting your money and you'd be better off getting a pro do it (not that sort of pro) properly.

Best bet is take the cap off of the suction side inlet valve (thicker pipe) open the valve and see whether there is positive pressure if so your in luck and a DIY can of gas might work providing everything else is working OK. If not take it to a specialist.

No it wont take your face off.

Best bet is run the AC for 5mins a week this keeps the compressor shaft seal lubed (the main cause of leaks)

If your passing thru Stoke Steve give me a u2u Ive a bottle of gas and gauges which I lent out to a guy few months back and I'll try and get them back.


[Edited on 17/8/10 by splitrivet]

[Edited on 17/8/10 by splitrivet]

adithorp - 18/8/10 at 08:33 AM

If there is some presure left in the system (therefore not a big leak) then you might be OK to use one. The problem (apart from the legalities) is that they also contain oil and if there's already enough oil in the system adding more won't do it any good.

Beware of any "I got it done for £XX" quotes as the gas has tripled in price in the last couple of months plus everyone who works on aircon has had to be certified and go on an expensive course to meet the new regs.


ps u2u sent steve.

Stott - 18/8/10 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by UncleFista
They're illegal to sell in the UK since April 1st.
Give Halfords a ring and tell 'em you've seen the recharge offered at half price (usually £50) if it's a bit slow they'll do it for £25.
At least they did for me and a couple of friends...

They're not illegal, it was just a myth I think that it was going to go that way. In the end they put a surcharge on the bottles to make sure you return them to the shop for proper disposal after use, as this was the main focus of the legislation as far as I'm aware.

The problem is the surcharge is about £10 and some bottles hold enough for 2 charges, so what do you do, keep half the gas for next year, or give it back with some left and get your tenner back?

Link to Halfords still selling them

Personally I had mine gassed and dyed up the road for £40 which seems about the going rate around here, still doesn't feckin work though.............

EDIT: mine was £40, which is the same as shed loads of garages advertise it for around here, and that was less than a fortnight ago. There are still people around who do it for £30 cash if you know anyone in the trade

[Edited on 18/8/10 by Stott]

Irony - 18/8/10 at 10:47 AM

Erm this is locost builders, surely opening a window is the best option!

Mr Whippy - 18/8/10 at 11:16 AM

Interesting thread

my Zafira with its huge windows is like a green house in the sun and the aircon is hardly cooling at all.

Noticed that some of the cans at halfords also have a die in them to identify leaks so may be worth a go. Depends on whats actually wrong, its easy to blame the gas but there's quite a bit to the systems and its worth checking out it all before adding gas

Stott - 18/8/10 at 12:01 PM

Yeah they can be tricky, but often the gas can be the cheapest item before replacing the pressure sensor, temp sensors or compressor, or god forbid, the a/c ecu or fan control module, gulp...............

that was a lot of "or"s

adithorp - 18/8/10 at 12:36 PM

It's now (since July 1st) illegal to sell the (bulk) gas bottles to anyone who is not certifed to use it. It's also illegal for anyone who isn't certified, to work on aircon systems.

I'm not 100% on this bit but... Some of the small airosol bottles fell foul of the regs as they didn't self seal once open but vented the gas to atmosphere. How they get around the certification issue, I don't know.

There's a big difference between what you get from an "Air-con regas". Some will just top up the remaining gas and take your cash, where others will test for leaks, drain, flush and refill and recheck for leaks.

"...Personally I had mine gassed and dyed up the road for £40 which seems about the going rate around here, still doesn't feckin work though............. "

Which do you suppose you got?


Stott - 19/8/10 at 07:58 AM

It got evacuated, 120g was pulled out so it was low, went on a vac for 8 mins, no leaks detected, then had the 550g put in along with dye, so it was a proper job, from a proper a/c place, on a proper a/c machine.


adithorp - 19/8/10 at 08:14 AM

OK, sorry about that. It is a problem we come across a lot though with differing interpretations of an air-con service/re-gas, so worth bearing in mind for others.

Have you found the problem? Is the "not working" the pump not running or pump running but not getting cold or did it work and then fail again.


Peteff - 19/8/10 at 09:19 AM

It costs £40 to have mine done and it usually lasts around 18 months. He puts it on the machine which then goes through a program emptying, filtering and refilling. I can tell when it starts to lose gas as the compressor will not kick in, which is to save the seals from running unlubricated and wearing out.

Stott - 19/8/10 at 09:54 AM

Ok, if you know about a/c then I'd be glad of some help.

It's a fabia vrs 04, a/c stopped working, can't remember when but a few months back and was a sudden loss rather than inefficiency followed by failure.

The refrigerant level is ok and there are no leaks apparent, I've changed the hi/lo switch as this is apparently a common one, along with the evap temp sensor as I got this cheap on trade (£10 ish).

None of this has got it working though I'm afraid. The car has a variable displacement pump so apparently doesn't have a clutch. The centre of the pulley remains stationary (but is not siezed). There is one 2 wire plug to the compressor, I can measure a voltage of 11.9+/- 0.2 on the loom side of this with the a/c on and the engine running, measuring the compressor gives 11.9ohms from memory (that was last week, it might have been 16 or 19 ohms actually, but either way it's not short or o/c)

Supplying the compressor with the 12v externally produces an audible click from the compressor which I'm told in the N280 variable displacement valve moving, although people tell me they still click when faulty.

The car doesn't cool when the compressor is powered externally either.

All the while, the centre of the comp pulley is stationary. I read somewhere that it should be linked by a cush drive of sorts to the outer, which fails if the compressor siezes to prevent the belt being thrown off. I don't know if this is true.

One more thing, the rad fans don't kick in when the a/c is selected, but I don't ever remember them doing so despite the a/c working for the past 2 years.

Any help appreciated, ta

adithorp - 19/8/10 at 01:15 PM

I'm no expert and although I've worked on more than a few I'm not familar with the Variable Displacement pumps. However from your description I'd be looking at the pulley/spindle.

Stott - 19/8/10 at 03:50 PM

Yeah it looks a bit like the coupling bit may have let go, I'm still trying to find whether this is replaceable, if it is I might source a comp off a scrap car and swap it over to save the cost of regassing mine yet again

Cheers anyway

splitrivet - 19/8/10 at 06:23 PM

Has it been on a set of gauges whats the high/low pressure.
Although Its was a few years ago when I was doing fridge/Air con it sounds like if the compressor is turning the valve reeds are shot.
Simple test run the A/C for a few minutes if the discharge pipe is warm not hot and gas charge is right its not pumping and the reeds are nacked.

[Edited on 19/8/10 by splitrivet]

Stott - 20/8/10 at 08:57 AM

I don't think it's quite so simple with this type of compressor, it's a swash plate variable displacement type, reading into this, the ecu puts square wave dc down to the compressor at varying frequency which controls the amount of gas that is pumped. So at the moment it could be not asking for any to be pumped i.e on full bypass due to perhaps the fan module not starting the fans, or for some other reason.

But it would appear that the problem lies with the compressor as like I said the centre of the pulley (which I believe is bolted straight to the compressor shaft) is stationary, and being a clutchless type, it can only mean the little rubber bits connecting the inner and outer pulleys have gone walkies.

The pulley looks exactly like this one: LINK

but that whole middle but stays still, which can't be right surely?