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V14 car tax refund form, home printed?
steve m - 27/1/14 at 04:31 PM

Hi all

Has anyone used the V14 tax refund paperwork from the Gov website, ie home printed, as per this ..

As its on their site, but states "Do not use a photocopy of this form" (second line page 2)
but ive printed it out in colour, so its not a copy ??


pekwah1 - 27/1/14 at 04:38 PM

you're supposed to be getting your car on the road, not taking the tax off it!!!!

loggyboy - 27/1/14 at 04:47 PM

Says heres its ok to download and print:

deeceee09 - 27/1/14 at 05:08 PM

I have used this downloaded form successfully. The cheque arrived this am.

steve m - 27/1/14 at 08:01 PM


Andy, my car is on the road !! taxed, motd, insured

but if friends want to GIVE me their old cars, with tax left on them, do I refuse?