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Help design the new Caterham?
Guinness - 5/11/08 at 01:09 PM

"The next Caterham is to be created online by the public and could have an electric or hybrid powertrain, the carmaker has announced. In a world first, the company is inviting car enthusiasts to help design an all-new sports car and even test drive it."


TOO BADD - 5/11/08 at 01:14 PM

tegwin - 5/11/08 at 01:28 PM

So basically their R&D team have run out of they are asking the public to do their job for them for free.... Quality!

chrisg - 5/11/08 at 01:33 PM

I think I can help there.

It needs to be a RWD 2 seater open car, probably with cycle wings on the front - no doors.

Oh and it needs to be ridiculously over priced for what it is.



l0rd - 5/11/08 at 01:40 PM

They could at least donate the first car to the designer.

Hammerhead - 5/11/08 at 01:58 PM

I think the deal is squarely in their favour. Not had a look at the t&c's yet to see if you give up any claim over copyright for your contribution.

Think it's a bloody cheek really. I bet most car design colleges will get heavily involved, so it could end up being something quite cool.

RK - 5/11/08 at 01:59 PM

Sour grapes from everyone!! By the time I add everything up in my car, I could have bought a Cateringvan. Seriously.

I think a diesel running on chip fat would be a great idea. And I like the shape the way it is - maybe a completely flat floor or something.

[Edited on 5/11/08 by RK]

iscmatt - 5/11/08 at 02:27 PM

Is anybody going to register???

D Beddows - 5/11/08 at 02:28 PM

Stupid idea! designing a car by internet forum never ever works - look at how many times it's been tried on here over the years just for example

DarrenW - 5/11/08 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by D Beddows
Stupid idea! designing a car by internet forum never ever works - look at how many times it's been tried on here over the years just for example

Only way it would work is if they stipulate what engine it has to have first - ie BEC or CEC.

I dont think its such a daft idea by Caterham. Whats wrong with asking people how they would have a car if money was no object (ish). Dont forget we could be on the verge of a totally new snack flavour when Walkers sort out their competition. Manufacturers asking people what they want to buy - good plan.

chrisg - 5/11/08 at 03:26 PM

I've finished!



clairetoo - 5/11/08 at 03:32 PM

Originally posted by chrisg
I've finished!



Now that is seriously cool - when will it be on sale - and will it be on a `buy one , get one free` offer

l0rd - 5/11/08 at 03:58 PM

What about a Flintsoneham?

That would be well cool.

[Edited on 5/11/08 by l0rd]

D Beddows - 5/11/08 at 05:05 PM


I dont think its such a daft idea by Caterham

No, I have to admit it's a great publicity generating stunt

I'd be willing to bet though that the forum will start off with enthusiasm, move quickly into bickering then degenerate into out and out flaming and endless 'I think you'll find I'm considerably cleverer and more experienced than you are' type arguments

Cynical? moi?

Alan B - 5/11/08 at 05:46 PM

Originally posted by D Beddows

I dont think its such a daft idea by Caterham

No, I have to admit it's a great publicity generating stunt

I'd be willing to bet though that the forum will start off with enthusiasm, move quickly into bickering then degenerate into out and out flaming and endless 'I think you'll find I'm considerably cleverer and more experienced than you are' type arguments

Cynical? moi?

Yep sounds about right...any major project has to have strong leadership to actually make decisions......what will happen is that sub-groups will form (CEC, BEC...etc.) they will argue the toss relentlessly and get nowhere.....seen it happen so often...and that's just on here...

Needless to say I still registered....

Two faced?

[Edited on 5/11/08 by Alan B]

D Beddows - 5/11/08 at 06:58 PM

In fact I see the flaming has already started on Pistonheads and they're still only trying to decide if the whole idea is a good idea or not never mind discussing the actual car

Simon - 5/11/08 at 08:06 PM

Car design by committee!

Great idea



Mark Allanson - 5/11/08 at 08:15 PM

What about this Rescued attachment lrg_cover.jpg
Rescued attachment lrg_cover.jpg

JonBowden - 5/11/08 at 11:07 PM

Caterham have been keen to create a new car to replace or add to the 7 for some time.
There was a BBC documentary about their attempts a few years ago. The video can be downloaded here:

Hellfire - 6/11/08 at 12:58 PM

Originally posted by JonBowden
Caterham have been keen to create a new car to replace or add to the 7 for some time.

I should think so too. Particularly after that atrocious Caterham Levante thing. How FUGLY was that? My eight year old daughter could have designed a more aesthetic car..............


iank - 6/11/08 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by JonBowden
Caterham have been keen to create a new car to replace or add to the 7 for some time.
There was a BBC documentary about their attempts a few years ago. The video can be downloaded here:

They did. The Caterham 21 was a very pretty car, but it died a death after they made about 50.

ettore bugatti - 6/11/08 at 02:19 PM

Originally posted by JonBowden
Caterham have been keen to create a new car to replace or add to the 7 for some time.
There was a BBC documentary about their attempts a few years ago. The video can be downloaded here:

Nice documentary!