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Guess what this is gonig to be?
ragindave - 6/11/08 at 03:16 PM

Here we have a 1995 Astra turbo diesel.
Can you guess what locost project this is being turned into??

[Edited on 6/11/08 by ragindave]

Mr Whippy - 6/11/08 at 03:21 PM


r1_pete - 6/11/08 at 03:22 PM

A self propelled trailer?

TOO BADD - 6/11/08 at 03:23 PM

A Gonig ?

triumphdave - 6/11/08 at 03:24 PM

Not sure but the seat looks comfy.

l0rd - 6/11/08 at 03:26 PM

As a mobile car battery charger?

rost - 6/11/08 at 03:26 PM


Mr Whippy - 6/11/08 at 03:30 PM

since its a diesel could be a -

owelly - 6/11/08 at 03:32 PM

£6 worth of scrap?

nick205 - 6/11/08 at 03:36 PM

You've got me there!

I was trying to think of something witty, but the words 1995, Astra and Diesel have confounded me

iank - 6/11/08 at 03:36 PM


mr henderson - 6/11/08 at 03:42 PM

What's in the sack, its giblets?

Mr Whippy - 6/11/08 at 03:42 PM

ahh so you have been inspired?

don't you just wish you'd told us???

ragindave - 6/11/08 at 03:44 PM

Keep guessing

owelly - 6/11/08 at 03:48 PM

No. I've still no idea. It's like you've attached it to some bits of tube. A bit like if you were building a kit car but a diesel one. And that's just crazy.

David Jenkins - 6/11/08 at 03:59 PM

Rear-engined seven-ish sort of car?

l0rd - 6/11/08 at 04:00 PM

Probably something to tow his kit car?

mcerd1 - 6/11/08 at 04:01 PM

a powered wheelbarrow ??

Mr Whippy - 6/11/08 at 04:01 PM

something like this?

mr henderson - 6/11/08 at 04:16 PM

Well if it's diesel he's got to be making some kind of farm vehicle, and will run it on pink diesel

iscmatt - 6/11/08 at 04:16 PM

a seven with a diesel powered seat heater?? - just put some holes in the back of your seats

more seriously - looks neat, but please enlighten us!

ragindave - 6/11/08 at 04:17 PM

Still very cold I am not building this but a friend of mine is.

ragindave - 6/11/08 at 04:24 PM

Big clue this one

mookaloid - 6/11/08 at 04:36 PM

Diesel powered Parts Washer (heavy duty) ?

Originally posted by ragindave
Still very cold I am not building this but a friend of mine is.

iscmatt - 6/11/08 at 04:39 PM

a torquey trike

Guinness - 6/11/08 at 04:44 PM

So we are looking at the back of it, and those tubes are wheelie bars then?


MikeRJ - 6/11/08 at 04:46 PM

Originally posted by mcerd1
a powered wheelbarrow ??

I reckon you are the closest so far

twybrow - 6/11/08 at 04:58 PM

A pinto lump mover?

speedyxjs - 6/11/08 at 05:13 PM

a two wheeled, motor-unicycle?

TOO BADD - 6/11/08 at 05:13 PM

Is your '' friend'' gonna wear a set of tattoos and grow a long beard and wear a leather jacket with a Hells Angel insignia on his back when he ''drives'' it ?

speedyxjs - 6/11/08 at 05:14 PM

Originally posted by ragindave

This pic makes it look like a forklift

RoadkillUK - 6/11/08 at 05:26 PM

I've got it, it's a Diesel powered rickshaw!


Originally posted by ragindave
Still very cold I am not building this but a friend of mine is.

ragindave - 6/11/08 at 05:39 PM

Very very Hot still not quite right.

ragindave - 6/11/08 at 05:42 PM

Here we go the answer....

A moto Pike and side carp

zilspeed - 6/11/08 at 05:55 PM

Love it.

Don't want one , but I love it.

Yet another proper bloke in a shed, not a poncy kit car builder.....

ragindave - 6/11/08 at 05:55 PM

No it is not Santa on his new sleigh

jollygreengiant - 6/11/08 at 06:12 PM

No not tooooo keen on that. It's the engine you see. The trouble with that engine is that the valves pocket and eventually you won't be able to cold start it. Mind you, you can sort of cure it, but you have to re-shim the valves every 20k.

speedyxjs - 6/11/08 at 06:19 PM

My next project.
A Jag powered on of them

David Jenkins - 6/11/08 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
No not tooooo keen on that. It's the engine you see. The trouble with that engine is that the valves pocket and eventually you won't be able to cold start it. Mind you, you can sort of cure it, but you have to re-shim the valves every 20k.

20K?! If it's anything like the typical kit car, that's about 15 years in the future!

Liam - 6/11/08 at 06:35 PM

Originally posted by ragindave
Can you guess what locost project this is being turned into??

Ah - i've got it now! It's an understeer generator.


Meeerrrk - 6/11/08 at 06:55 PM

your friend is a mad, mad man.

scotty g - 6/11/08 at 08:08 PM

seems like an awful lots of fuss and bother, why not stick with the traditional design.

just kidding Rescued attachment images.jpg
Rescued attachment images.jpg

D Beddows - 6/11/08 at 09:02 PM

Seriously, will that actually go round corners with no wheel in line in any way with any other wheel?

ragindave - 6/11/08 at 09:08 PM

The front is yet to be re worked it will have centre hub steering when it is finished castor and camber adjustment so it can be tracked properly

Liam - 6/11/08 at 09:50 PM

I love it really! Especially if you keep those colours.

Have one question though. Bearing in mind I know absolutely nothing about bike-and-sidecar dynamics - why all the effort for the one-wheel drive conversion and the bespoke nearside suspension, rather than leaving the donor's suspension both sides and 2 wheel drive?


skodaman - 6/11/08 at 10:06 PM

Wow Mr Whippy that pic of a blue shed u posted looks like a cross between an Africar and an err Africar. To keep it concour and original it should really be coated in orange epoxy.
Surely he ain't going to put the gearchange there? It would act as a sort of abs system cos u'd soon let go of the brake lever after sliding forward and hitting the gear lever.

BenB - 6/11/08 at 10:52 PM

That's going to a bundle of fun round corners!!! It'll drive like a f1 car when one of the front wheels falls off!!!!

02GF74 - 7/11/08 at 08:00 AM

What exactly is it?

Is it a trike or a motorcycle with powered sidecar?

I recommend you/he do the research first because I am pretty sure the motorcycles with powered side car are no longer legal on UK roads.

mr henderson - 7/11/08 at 08:20 AM

I'd be interested to see the gear linkage on that vehicle, Vauxhalls are usually rod change, and although it enters the grearbox at the top, it faces the wrong way


Liam - 7/11/08 at 12:49 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
What exactly is it?

Is it a trike or a motorcycle with powered sidecar?

I recommend you/he do the research first because I am pretty sure the motorcycles with powered side car are no longer legal on UK roads.

It doesn't have a powered sidecar. Maybe that's the reason why then?

Simon - 7/11/08 at 11:26 PM

Powered sidecars may not be legal, but there's no reason why the sidecar can't carry the engine, leaves more room on the bike for passengers



D Beddows - 8/11/08 at 02:27 AM

Sorry, forget how legal it might be - how does this layout work in a going round corners type way? - or have I misinterpreted the pictures?

Apologies for the large picture btw

[Edited on 8/11/08 by D Beddows]

ragindave - 15/4/09 at 07:11 PM

It is finished take a look at this

JoelP - 15/4/09 at 07:35 PM


James - 16/4/09 at 12:35 AM

How did I miss this thread before??? It's the funniest one I've ever read!

Is your mate Terry Pratchett?